Unknown Strangest "Sports" at the Olympics You hear the word “The Olympic games” and what is the first sport that comes to your head? Most likely Track & Field. But there was a ti... 5

Strangest "Sports" at the Olympics

You hear the word “The Olympic games” and what is the first sport that comes to your head? Most likely Track & Field. But there was a time where we did have the strangest sports in the Olympics and some were just too funny to watch. 

 In the early Olympics the only sports that were practicing was Track & Field, Roman Wrestling and some other minor sports but every Olympics ( every 4 years)  we are experiencing some new sports, some survive to the next Olympics and some dies. Today we have 35 sports, could you believe that? Imagine if you would try to follow all those events during the Olympics. You would go insane. 

Some sports in the Olympics just did not seem as a “Sport”, sports such as:

Tug of War- Believe it or not but this used to be a major sport from 1900-1920 

Live Pigeon Shooting- I was shocked when my dad told me about this but in the early 1900 live pigeons were released in front of a shooter and the guy who killed most birds would win but if he missed two shots in a row than he would automatically lose. They stopped this “Sport” at the Olympics because it got to messy.

Weight lifting with one hand- Yes as the title says, they were allowed to only use one hand to lift the weight over their head. This was discontinued in 1908

I believe that non of these "sports" would have been popular this year and I am happy that we save the Pigeons because we know that there are not to many of them in New York!

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