Unknown How we view the Olympics, the older we get Remembering when I was a kid and when they had the Olympics on, everything that did matter to my family was to see our country wave the flag... 5

How we view the Olympics, the older we get

Remembering when I was a kid and when they had the Olympics on, everything that did matter to my family was to see our country wave the flag in the finals and get that gold medal, but today it seems like it is not about which nation that win, more likely who plays best. 

Top three things that we were always watching at home was:

 1.       Handball- Because Sweden is pretty good at it; unfortunately they only got Silver this year. 
 2.       Table Tennis- Believe it or not but Sweden used to be the champions in Table Tennis and you guys though that only Asians were good at it. 

  3 .       Wrestling- A sport that is not practice a lot here in Sweden but fortunately brings home many medals. 

These sports used to be the main events and everyone stayed up to watch these games cheering for their nation to win. But today we have our nation in almost every sport and the true feeling of the Olympics is lost. 

I believe that a country should only send a team to a sport if they think that the team could qualify to be top 5 in the sport if not it would be a waste of money and time. Sometimes you see runners that end up last has an extreme difference from the one whom end up first and that just look sad. If a country can’t compete with top 5 than do not send them, it just makes it look terrible. 

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