
Хороший конец хорошего дня

Добрый вечер или уже, как можно сказать, доброй ночи!Хотя я сейчас совершенно не хочу спать, тем более, мне можно, так как я одна дома и меня никто не заставляет ложиться спать.
Я недавно пришла из супермаркета, где купила себе сладкого, чтобы было что поесть на ночь, хаха.Просто решила туда зайти после гостей.
У нас еще продожаеться сезон сильных дождей, что мне нравится, так как эту жару терпеть было невозможно, но я надеюсь, что скоро снова будет тепло, а возможно даже и жарко, я не против - всё-таки хочется отдохнуть, когда будет солнечно.
Сейчас я смотрю "Секс в большом городе", пока!

Good evening and already, as you can tell, good night! Although I am absolutely do not want to sleep, the more I can, since I'm home alone and I was not forced to go to bed.
I recently came out of the supermarket, where I bought myself a sweet, to have something to eat at night, haha. Just decided to go there after the guests.
We then proceed with another season of heavy rains, which I like, because it was impossible to put up with the heat, but I hope that soon it will be warm again, and may even be hot, I do not mind - after all I want to relax when it is sunny.
Now I'm watching "Sex and the City"!

Tunisia gave US a Early Wakeup Call

If you missed yesterday’s game than you missed the game of your life.  I am talking about the game between US and Tunisia in the basketball Olympics. 

When you follow the basketball world, Tunisia is the last country you will hear people talk about, but today everyone is talking about them 

US started up with 5 of the best players in the world, players such as Kevin Durant, Lebron James and the king himself Kobe Bryant. These players are “Gods” compare to any basketball player in the world but one thing else they got in common is their stubbornness and their ego. When watching the first period yesterday it looked like it was Lebron vs Kobe vs Durant vs Tunisia. If Kobe took a shoot then Lebron wanted to take one and Durant did not want to be left out so he also took stupid shoots. Meanwhile these “Gods” where at a war against each other, Tunisia took the opportunity to score and give US an early wakeup call. 


I could not help but to cheer for Tunisia even though that I knew Tunisia would lose, but  to see a country like Tunisia give US a shock was good as a win to me. Unfortunately US beat Tunisia with at least 40 points but I still give Tunisia a great applaud.   

Отбросы / Misfits

Сегодня начала смотреть сериал о котором я очень часто слышу в твиттере и он имеет много отзывов кстати, так что я решила его посмотреть и мне он понравился.Чем-то напоминает "Молокососов", только здесь еще есть немного фантастики.
Краткое описание: За мелкую преступность Кертис, Натан, Келли, Саймон и Алиша вынуждены выполнять общественные работы. Между ними нет совершенно ничего общего, они не приходятся один одному друзьями. В этой неформальной компании никогда не обходится без ругани, драк и споров. Однажды, когда над землей бушевал сильнейший шторм, они подвергаются удару молнии, который наделил их невероятными способностями, которым ребята не могут найти применение.
Кто смотрел этот сериал?

Us Women's Basketball, a few steps closer the Championship

First  the US women basketball team beat Croatia with an easy 81-56 and today they were squaring off against Angola and I believe the teams already knew the outcome of this game.

The game was a good practice for US before playing Turkey on Wednesday, because Turkey seems like a really strong team and they can compete pretty well with US. Turkey played against Czechoslovakia today and Cze is also a really good team but Cze lost today in a thrilling game with 61-57
US men's basketball team humiliated France yesterday but the women's team crushed Angola with 90-38. I don't even know if the US did their best and if they did not, how much would be the outcome.
I think US is putting out a statement this year and it is "Both US men & women conquer the world in Basketball and no one can stop them" 

Is The Dream Team Unstoppable ?

It is 2012 and people all over the world have been waiting 4 years for this summer. Why? Just because it is the Olympics in London. 

Every channel you put on, you will see sports so for you sport haters I guess you just have to find a way to survive this wonderful weeks.

Since I am a basketball player I will during these Olympic days keep you guys updated from the games. 
The basketball stadium today in London was packed with people and everyone only wanted to see one team play, you guessed it right, THE DREAM TEAM! US squared off against France and I honestly believed that France would play tough and maybe make it a close game but oh boy if I was wrong. What US made with France was just humiliating and I did not even wanted to see the game because it looked like some cheeps running against some wolves. The final score was 98-71.
I really start to doubt that anyone can play a close game with US this Olympics, my odds are either US plays Spain or Argentina in the final.  

Отличный вечер в одиночестве

Привет!Мой вечер проходит так же, как я и ожидала.Дома еще никого нет и уже досматриваю второй сезон "Милых обманщиц", убирая в квартире!
Хочу сказать, что я без понятия, где взялся весь этот хлам, но сегодня всё не смогу убрать, хотя бы потому что уже поздно и я устала.
Но я люблю убирать, когда никого нет, а как кто-то происходит, то мое желание убирать становиться уже не таким.
Недавно болтала с мамой и она сказала, что может приехать на пару дней позже, возможно даже около моего Дня Рождения!
Кстати, о нем - я еще не определилась, что я хочу, наверное, я так и не определюсь к самому Дню Рождению, но скорее всего, мы устРоим праздник для родственников в ближайшие выходные к 7-ому числу!

Hi, My evening is just as I expected. Yet there is no one at home and have to inspect the second season of "Lovely liar", cleaning the apartment!
I want to say that I have no idea where he got all this stuff, but today I can not remove, if only because it was late and I was tired.
But I love to clean, when no one, but as someone does, it is my desire to clean it is no longer so.
Recently chatted with my mother and she said that she could come for a couple of days later, maybe even about my birthday!
Talking about it - I have not decided what I want, I think I could not decide for himself a birthday, but most likely, we will arrange a holiday for families this weekend for the seventh number!

The hottest day

Ужасно жарко, не могу быть на улице.В такую погоду надо быть либо на пляже, либо дома.Пока мне подходит только второй вариант!
Я уже успела приготовить себе ужин и немного перекусить.Не очень наелась, хочется еще!Особенно, очень чего-то вкусного.
Сегодня была в гостях, там были такие вкусные блины с просто восхитительным вареньем!Нечего вкуснее никогда не ела!
Жаль, у меня нет такой вкуснятины сейчас дома!Вкусного вам ужина!

Fucking hot, I can not be outside. In weather like this you have to be either on the beach or at home. So far for me, only the second option!
I've managed to make himself dinner and a snack. Not much gorged, want more! Especially something very tasty.
Today there was a party, there were so delicious pancakes with jam just amazing! Nothing tastes never eaten!
Sorry, I do not have a home right now yummy! Tasty you dinner!


Привет мои любимые!
Я вот целый день была у сестры, поэтому пишу уже под вечер.Уже немного устала, так как племянница меня отняла все силы, ахаха, поэтому я вернулась домой.
На улице чертовски жарко, просто нереально находиться.После прогулки сразу хочется в прохладный дождь и спать.
В такую жару больше нечего невозможно делать, кроме того, чтобы хорошенько отдохнуть!А еще в последнее время я очень много пью и совсем не хочется есть.
Вечер я проведу вместе с самой собой, ха-ха, это наверное хорошо.Займусь уборкой и просмотром "Милых обманщиц"!
Фотографии сделанные в саду, где я провела чуть ли весь вчерашний день:


Ох, как же я устала!Я должна была приехать завтра, но в деревни оставаться смысла не было, так как на завтра передавали дожди, еще и папе надо было в город по делам.
Но я не пожалела, что сегодня поехала туда - я отлично провела время и вовсе не скучала.
Большую часть времени, которую я была у дедушки, потратила на загар.Мне удалось немного загореть, я бы хотела еще завтра позагорать, но жаль погода не даст мне такой возможности.
Теперь я дома с папой уже больше часа и я наверное сейчас буду ложиться спать!

Coach Potatoes in Sweden

It is pouring from heaven and you are confused because it is Saturday and don’t know what to do.
If your live in the States then I don’t have to tell you so much about things to do because you guys has everything, I really believe that people in New York already has too much to do, but here in Sweden everything depends on the weather. 

During the week the Swedish people work really hard so when the weekends come they can become the animal they want to be. With that I mean, we really don’t care what happens during the weekend but as long as we are having fun then everything is good. The reason for this is, many people here do not like their jobs and the wages on the top ranked jobs are not even close to what wages in the States are. So for people to keep on going and do their work they do need two days of “relaxing”.

 Now the question is what is relaxing for the Swedish people?  Some people sees relaxing as partying some sees relaxing as sitting on the couch and watch movies something we call “Soffpotatis” which means a Coach Potato.  Coach potatoes love to spend their time at home and eat a lot of junk food and sweets and watch TV.  To me that would be frustrating, because I can’t have every weekend sitting home and watch movies and get fatter, but that is just me.  But from time to time I guess it is cozy to spend time with your loved once at home and watch some good movies.

What does the SPF on the Sunblocks stand for?

It is that time of the year when people are showing off themselves at the beaches. All over the world people are walking  half naked on the beaches in their bikinis or surfing shorts, some guys even wears mankinis. But one thing that a lot of people seems to forget is to put on some sunblock.

No matter how good skin you have, the sun will still burn through your skin and possibly give you skin cancer. Some people thinks that it will help to but on some regular body oil instead of sunblock so they will get a tan out of the sun. Don't worry you will still get a tan without that oil, but the risk of you getting skin cancer is now higher.

So which sunblock is best to use? Is it true that the most expensive one is the best one? The answer is NO, the price don't have anything to do with the quality of the protection. The best thing to look for is the numbers on the sunblock. I think in US the highest is 100 SPF (sun protecting factor) but that is unnecessary because there is a reason why they put numbers on the bottles. Our body can be exposed to the sun for 10 min before the burn kicks in and a bottle of SPF 30 will give us 30 times better protection than our own natural protection which will be 300 minutes or 5 hours. But unfortunately that doesn't mean that you are good to for 5 hours, because we sweat and the sweat takes the lotion away from our skin so it is important to reapply a lots of time during that sunny day.

Do not forget that sunblocks can only do their thing up to a point but things that can help you from getting burned at the beach is to bring with you some items such as, sun hat, umbrella and sun glasses.

Ранее утро

Привееет!Я сегодня очень рано проснулась, просто я позавтракала с папой и братом, когда они уходили на роботу и я уже спать не хотела.
Так наелась хорошо, всё было очень вкусно!
Еще мне важно было не проспать нечего, мне уже нужно скоро выходить, только нужно собраться.Думаю стоит идти прямо сейчас, пока нет этой нереальной жары.
А пока мне нужно связаться с мамой, она скорее всего не может до меня дозвониться!

 Hello!I woke up very early today, I just had breakfast with my dad and brother when they went to the work and I'm not sleepy.
Ate so well, everything was delicious!
More important to me was not nothing to sleep, I have to go soon, just need to get ready. I think to go right now, there is not this unreal heat.
In the meantime, I need to contact my mother, she probably could not get through to me!

Practicing Ramadan in Christian countries

Everyone with little geographic knowledge knows that Sweden is a Christian country but the Swedish people like the Americans have different cultures and we do respect each other for our differences. 

This month is a holy month for the Muslims, because this month is Ramadan. During this month Muslims all over the world are supposed to be fasting during the day time but when the sun goes down the fasting will be over and Muslims can eat for a few hours and the next day is the same thing again until the last day of Ramadan. When Ramadan is over, Muslims will have a big holiday called “eid” and that is a mark of the last days of the fast and people are celebrating. During this celebration it is common to have huge feast with families and friends and children are often given money from parents and family as a gift. 

So why does Muslims fast during Ramadan? It is really simple to answer this question but really difficult to practice it. Muslims fast during Ramadan because they are having sympathy for hungry people all over the world. Also during Ramadan Muslims are donating a lot of money to less fortunate people. 

I really do believe that this is something beautiful to do and I admire people who really follow this to 100% and I also know that it is much more difficult to practice Ramadan in Sweden because our society here is way different from the societies in the Middle Eastern countries. In the Middle Eastern countries, people do not have the same job routines like in Sweden. Once Ramadan begins people are closing down restaurants during the days and the whole city is like a zombie town during the days. But in Sweden people still have to work and this make it much more difficult to practice Ramadan correctly.

Pink and jeans

Все уже спят, а я еще нет, так как для меня это время является просто детским,  не могу спать раньше 00:00, но сегодня придется, так как мне просто уже нечего делать и я не хочу никого разбудить.
Я сейчас с папой и моим двоюродным братом, завтра скорее всего буду сама, но дома сидеть много не буду, мне этого никто не позволит.Мне же нужно к сестре, помогать с ребенком, если её мужа не будет.
Еще завтра с друзьями буду гулять и это самое лучшее время, когда я с ними.
Правда, сегодня - это уже слишком, ужасно устала.Всё, я спать!

All were asleep, and I have not, because for me this time is just childish, I can not sleep before 00:00, but now have to, because I just have nothing to do and I do not want anyone to wake up.
Now I'm with my dad and my cousin, tomorrow will likely be itself, but to stay at home a lot will not, I will not let this one. I need to to my sister, to help the child if her husband will not.
More tomorrow, I will walk with your friends and this is the best time, when I'm with them.
However, today - it's too much, terribly tired. All I'm sleeping!

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