Unknown Chicken Legs at the Gym! Ever heard the word Chicken Legs? If not let me tell you what it is. Chicken Legs are the legs on people that skips leg workout at the gym.... 5

Chicken Legs at the Gym!

Ever heard the word Chicken Legs? If not let me tell you what it is. Chicken Legs are the legs on people that skips leg workout at the gym. You might have seen them at the gym, it is very rare to see them because they often where pants and not shorts.  These guys have huge over body but skinny legs. You might ask yourself, why they are so built on their upper body and have these skinny legs and the truth is that leg workout is the most painful workout and it is rare to show off your legs in front of people so they only work on parts that are noticeable. But see, a real athlete spend more time on his legs than any other part because we know that the legs are the base to our body and we need it more than anything else.  That’s why I will share my leg workout with you and it is simple but this will kill your legs (in a good way). 

 3 sets of 5 reps- Jumping as high as you can and touch the wall, to see the difference from each jump. 

4 sets of 6- Squats with 275 lb (the importance of doing these squats are to go down slow and come up really fast and up on your toes for an explosive squat)

4 sets of 6- Lunges with 40lb in each hands with a yoga ball on your back against the wall ( use the ball on your back against the wall for balance for your back and your core and put the leg that is not working against the wall so the working leg is really working on its own, don’t forget to do 6 reps on each leg.)

4 sets of 12- Toe raise with 700lb (some gyms have a machine where you lay down and you can push the weights up and this is much easier to use with heavy weights, but if you don’t have it than just take some weights in your hands and stand on a book or something that keeps your heals 3 inches from the floor and then raise yourself 12 times) 

This is a perfect preseason workout because I am building a lot of explosive muscles and about 3 weeks from now it will be time to build stamina muscles but that I will talk about it later.

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