Unknown The importance of working out your back At the gym you will hear people talk about having a great back and huge deltoids (the muscles on our back that is closest to the arms) but t... 5

The importance of working out your back

At the gym you will hear people talk about having a great back and huge deltoids (the muscles on our back that is closest to the arms) but the question is, how do you really get that and is it really important to have a strong back? 
A great coach once told me that our front side is the beauty but our back side is doing all the work. What he was trying to tell me was that no matter how much time you spend on doing bench press or abs, you still need to have a great back to make it all happen. I have seen guys at the gym that can bench press a lot and have huge breast muscles but they do look crooked like a turtle, because when you work out a muscle, the muscle becomes tight and it attract it self. So by doing a lot of front side workout, you will have your body leaning forward and risk a lot of injuries. 
So what is a good back workout? As soon as the basketball season was over I changed around my workout routines. Since I did not have any more games or practice with the team I could spend more time on building as much muscles as possible before season starts again. Right now I have each body part twice per week and one day where I rest. 
On my back days I do :

4 sets of 6 reps pull ups with a 40lb weight hanging from me ( this is really difficult, start without weight first, I had to work myself up)

4 sets of 6 reps  row with 135 lb 

4 sets of 6 reps seated row with 140lb

Seems really short but you should try it and I have gained result from the workout and I am not planing to quit until season starts again. 

This was last years results
This years result is coming up soon !!

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