
Occupy Wall Street

Today was a strange day to me. I saw a lot of people demonstrating against the corporations, close to our school.
I really thought the demonstration was over long time ago but it seems like it will not stop and this thing has gone international. In countries such as Spain, Greece and Portugal people are demonstrating against the government.

People in Sweden ask me how it feels to see stuff like that. Honestly, I was not aware of it until today. The way I saw people screaming, revolving and getting arrested was kind of strange to me. The way we have demonstrations in Sweden is mostly calm and peaceful,  as matter fact we have a special day were people are encouraged do demonstrate. HAHAHA sounds crazy but that's the way it is in Sweden and I guess maybe that's why people don't go crazy in the demonstrations.


                                  (удаленное изображаенние)

Как  вам?

Уроки и фильм:-D

Добрый вечер!У меня сегодня не было много времени для блога, так как целый день, что-то ждала.Так и нечего не дождалась;(
Если бы знала, то хотя бы стих начала учить.У меня на него один день!А с моей памятью, у меня нет шансов его выучить, а завтра я пойду на курсы.Мы будем шить постельное белье, только ткани для неё пока у меня нет.Папа прошелся "по всем  магазинах" и почему-то не купил ткани.Придется утром что-то поискать...
Сейчас буду делать уроки вместе с фильмом!:D

Good evening! Today, I have not had much time to blog, because all day, waiting for something. And did not wait for nothing, (
If I knew, or at least the beginning of verse uchit.U me to it one day! And from my memory, I have no chance to learn it, and tomorrow I'll go to the course. We will sew linen, fabrics for her just as long as I have. Dad walked "in all the stores," and for some reason did not buy the fabric. We'll have to look for something in the morning ...
Now I will do my homework along with the movie!: D

Week 9

Wow it is already week 9 and it feels like week 5 only. I got to say that this quarter flew by really fast.

Week 9 means only two things either start to prepare yourself for Finals and catch up with all your leftovers or drop your classes. In case you did not know it, week 9 is the last week were you can drop your classes. Be careful because you might lose your Financial Aid if you don't have enough credits.

I have four speeches left to give, two finals and one project and after that I m out for spring break. A good advice to you guys is even tough you have late works to hand in, just hand them in because it is better to get partial credit than nothing and some professors understand if you had a situation were you could not do your work in time. Don't give up, just keep on going and spring break is around the corner :) 


Привет, блоггеры!Мне нужна ваша помощь!
Мне захотелось сделать новую шапку для блога...более яркую.Как вы считаете, нужно её менять или нет?
Я уже сделала один вариант!Как вам?Ставить на шапку?

(удаленное изображенние)

Long earring

Я говорила в предыдущем посте о том, что вчера, я начала делать серёжку для себя.Вот теперь она готова и я вам её показываю.
Она очень длинная и немного тяжелая, но по сравнению с последними, которые я делала она нормальная.К тому же, я привыкла такие носить!Веселого вечера!:-)

Preparation for Championship

Big week coming up and I am so excited. Championship in Pittsburgh from mars 6 to 10.

This is my second time at the championship. Last year we lost our first game in OT with a Buzzer beater. That team that won against us won the whole Championship. After that game we played four more games and we beat every team with at least 20 points. We were so mad that we lost our first game like that.

This year we are going there with the mind that we are not going to give anything easy and we are going to make history in Berkeley College. Hope you guys keep up with us and I will write everyday about what is going on in Pittsburgh.

" Kod för att importera min blogg till Nattstad: 6630213263 "

The Grey

Sunday is the best day of  the week because to me it is the relax day.
Today me and some friends decided to go and watch a movie at amc in Times Square. After long arguments between two movies we decided to watch The Grey.

I have seen the trailer but I never understood what the movie was really about but I can say that it is worth to watch.
The movie is about a group of people who are traveling by plane and the plane crashes in the middle of nowhere (Alaska) and the place has only two things snow and a lot of hungry wolves. They are supposed to survive the circumstances without weapon and shelter.

A really good movie that shows that sticking together will have positive outcome.

The main character is Liam Neeson


Привет!Что делаете?Еще не спите?
Да, я уже собираюсь ложиться, только досмотрю еще одну серию передачи.И пока делаю украшение для себя.Какое - покажу, когда сделаю полностью!
Мне еще уроки не позволяют спать.С математикой никак не могу разобраться.Придется завтра слушать крики учительницы!Эээх...как люди могут понимать геометрию, алгебру, физику и химию???Вот с английским я быстро разобралась.
Ну ладно, буду надеется, что завтра я смогу все решить.Только бы пораньше проснуться!
Может если хорошо перечитать несколько параграфом - я пойму?Попробовать что-то изучить - нужно в любом случае!Пусть ваш завтрашний день будет лучше, чем сегодняшний!♥

The best reader of the week - Irish

На этой недели самым лучшим читателем, а точнее читательницей стала Irish.Спасибо тебе!!!♥
К сожалению, я даже не знаю что написать, так как знаю эту девушку очень плохо.Надеюсь, со временем узнаю побольше!;)
Зайти на блог Irish можно, нажав сылку что внизу!P.S.блог могут просмотреть только взрослые!

Impossible Victory!!

Dedicated to our only senior player on the team, Stanley Hamp!

Today was Stanley Hamp's last home game for his career in the Berkeley uniform. It must have been amazing to play four years here at Berkeley and it's probably really tough to leave after this season. WE ARE GOING TO MISS YOU BRO!!! 

So to the game now. A lot of people thought that we would get blown out early in the game in front of our own home crowd. Even I though the game was going to be a little bit to tough for us but I guessed we overcame our weaknesses and proved everyone today that we are on of the best teams in the country.

Southern Virginia is a D1 USCAA team and we are a D2 USCAA team. Southern Virginia won the Championship last time, we lost and ended up at 5 th place. So I guess what we did today was a good shout out to the teams in the Championship in Pittsburgh. Are message are clear, we are hungry and WE ARE READY TO EAT!


Приветик!Чем занимались, сегодня?
Я сегодня пошла погулять с Ивилиной.Вечером, настроения не было и самочувствие плохое из-за боли в коленях, но этой девочке всегда удается  вытаскивать меня из дома!:D
Вот, для чего нужны друзья:)Никогда не дадут тебе киснуть!
Мы с ней пошли тратить мои последние деньги.Ну, точнее я свои, а она свои.Сначала, просто пошли погулять, но по лужам, не особо хочется ходить.Так что зашли мы в небольшую кафешку и заказали себе огромную пиццу, а потом и по хот догу взяли.Не знаю, я обычно, мало ем, но  я ОСТАЛАСЬ ГОЛОДНОЙ!Что это со мной?
Вот, даже сейчас голодная, но есть сегодня точно не буду, если хочу, чтобы мои любимые джинсы не были на меня тесными.
Завтра, собираюсь идти гулять с Ивилиной по центру.Ну хотя, погода не позволяет куда-то ходить, а еще эта боль...
Спокойной ночи, друзья!

Greek food in Lower East side

To Kalle & Pie who always tells me that I look like a Greek :)

Since I saw a comment on my blog that I have to try out Greek food and see if it is better than the Persian food I had been looking for the right place to go to and I found it.

A friend of my told me that there is this place in Lower East side where they have amazing Greek food. He told me that they used to sell food on the street like the Halal stands, but then they got famous and got awards for best selling street food so they opened up a restaurant.

I got to say that my first though was that the place is going to either be expensive or cheap and disgusting. Oh boy I was wrong. First of, the inside is decorated like someones house in Greece and the food was extremely cheap also it tasted so good.

You get a plate with hand cut Greek fries with cheese and spice on it for $4 dollars. Just that is good for 2-3 person. You can have a lot of fresh baked pita slices with 2 cups of Tzatziki( yogurt with garlic and cucumbers) for only $2. The main course is simple you either have, beef, pork or chicken Souvlaki ( BBQ meat over coal) cost $5

Me and my friend ordered one side each and one main course. I can tell you that It was a lot of food left after we were done.

When sitting in there I really felt like I was back in Greece for vacation, for me just sitting there and enjoying the view was making my moneys worth.

The name of the restaurant is "Souvlaki Gr" and is located on 116 Stanton St, Manhattan, NY 10002

Who knows, I might have some Greek blood in me after all. 

Where to Buy Clothes Cheap in NYC !

To live in New York is expensive but that's not news. I really think it depends on how you spend your money and on what you spend it on.

You can find whatever you want cheaper in different location. The only thing you will not find cheaper is the MTA cards, because it is the same price everywhere and if you want to use subways you better pay full price or grab a cab, but we all know how much a cab ride can cost.

If you want to buy fashion clothes and you know they cost a lot, I advice you to go to Marshalls or T.J Maxx. They are everywhere in NY and the country, they even have T.J Maxx in England. You can find Polo shirts for under $30 and much more.

When I go there I always see tourists shopping, because they know how much does clothes can cost in their country. A polo shirt in Sweden will not go under $180 but like I said they sell them at Marshalls for $30.

Not only clothes, they also have sneakers such as Converse, Nike, Adidas etc... for a magnificent price.

So get the most out of your money and maybe College life might not be that tough.

Pic taken from Google!


У меня часто спрашивают, какого у меня цвета глаза, а я не знаю, как ответить на этот вопрос.Они у меня то-ли серо-голубые, то-ли серо-зеленые.
Мои глаза меняют цвет несколько раз в день.Я заметила, что утром они у меня более светлые, а ночью вообще очень яркие.Также, это зависит это от настроения.Мне скучно - глаза более серые, обычно, когда у меня хорошее настроение, мои глаза становятся ярко-синими.Наверное, синие мне больше всего нравятся!
Какой у вас цвет глаз?У вас часто меняется цвет глаз или вообще не меняется?

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