
Snow Tattoo

Just as there are no two snowflakes are alike, so should the tattoos. That's the idea, but who are we kidding? In a time defined by social networks where every single thing must absolutely be is shared, the chances of you having anything original is pretty slim. This and the fact that I cannot draw, have lowered my expectations when it comes to getting an original tattoo design. But what if you could get someone to tweak a design for you? Isn't that option a lot better than having something that is a 100% knock-off? Such promise (and the fact that the place is just a stone throw away from where I live) was the very thing that lured me to Snow Tattoo

Snow Tattoo is a two-year old tattoo shop located on the second level of saGuijo Cafe & Lounge. It is young compared to the more popular (and expensive) tattoo shops but it managed to find its way to the hearts of ink enthusiasts. In this tattoo shop, clients have the option to get an original design. You see, Sarah is a talented artist, she can either tweak the design that you want so it'd be your own, or sketch a new design right off the bat.

Everything about Snow Tattoo, I love. It's like an antithesis of tattoo shops; no loud rock music playing, no thug-looking people hanging about, the walls were painted in white, and the place was well lit. There's a comfy couch to accommodate the clients, interesting art pieces scattered about, and the intricate drawings of Sarah are on display.

Snow Tattoo interiors (Sorry I'm in the picture, it's just that I have no other photo of the couch hehe...)
There is only one artist in this tattoo shop, Sarah, so it is quite important to get an appointment beforehand. When I mentioned earlier that Sarah is talented, I meant it by the true sense of the word. Aside from doing tattoos, Sarah is an indie actress, a music artist, and a model. Oh yeah, she's a rock star, Sarah and Pao comprise the electronic rock duo, Turbo Goth.
Imagine being inked by a rock artist, yes, I'm stoked! At first I thought it would be awkward because it's easier to believe that celebrities are a bunch of arrogant bastards, but Sarah and Pao are just the opposite. They arrived with big smiles on their faces and they were quite apologetic for being late. Sarah even kissed me on the cheek. I was like, wow, these people are something.
I brought the design that is the inspiration of the tattoo that I want. I stumbled upon this photo while searching for a mandala design. Mandala is a ritual symbol in Buddhism and Hinduism, signifying the universe.

The inspiration

I showed the design and told her that I want it on the edge of my shoulder and that it should fall a little bit on the upper part of my right arm. Upon asking what would be the damage, she answered that something that big may cost me anywhere between 8,000 to 12,000. My heart sank because I was only carrying 8,000 bucks. Just when I was already thinking of leaving sans a new tattoo, Sarah asked what is my budget. I said that I could shell out 7,000 to 8,000. To my surprise (and utter delight), she said "okay". I appeared calm but inside I was jumping up and down. Finally! I could get inked by Sarah Gaugler!

Sarah then began working on my design. Though she was looking at the photo for inspiration, I gave her free reign on how she could tweak it so it wouldn't be in the exact likeness of the original. While waiting, my companion, Christian and I talked with Pao. Pao, just like Sarah is very nice. Sarah, from time to time would join our chitty chat.

Next step, the image transfer. After cleaning the area with alcohol, Sarah placed the stencil on my skin.

Here's the image before it was made permanent.

Sarah then started preparing the materials.

Then commenced the ouch part...

Sarah started from below and worked her way up.

Image is slowly coming together

We we were talking during the entire procedure. Sarah wasn't selfish about sharing some things about her like her acting career. Coincidentally, I actually saw her in the film, The Diplomat Hotel where she worked with Gretchen Baretto. When she asked me how did I find the film, I froze up just a little bit. Should I tell her the truth? But she's such a darling, I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Not sure if Christian noticed what was happening but thank god, he talked. He said that the review for the film wasn't exactly ecstatic, to which Sarah agreed. For the record, I love Sarah, I'm just not too keen on the said film.
I noticed that Sarah wasn't completely comfortable talking about her acting career, but when it comes to tattooing, her eyes sparkled. You could really tell that this is something that she is so passionate about. When asked if she gets tired doing tattoo, she said no and shared that she once told a friend that she has so many tattoo ideas in mind it's just that her body couldn't keep up.

After two hours the session finally ended. I swear I barely noticed the time, even the pain, because I was enjoying our conversation with Sarah and Pao. When I had my tattoo at 55 Tinta, the artist was quiet and since I'm not particularly fond of talking with strangers, I didn't really mind. Now, I'd rather have an artist who talks. I realized that talking is actually helpful because it distracts you away from the pain.
The tattoo turned out to be real pretty and I love the details that she added and changed like the little pearl chain. My favorite would be the rose, the image has depth, which makes it look alive.

Like me, Sarah was happy and excited to see the result of her effort. Without a question this is now the prettiest tattoo that I have. But more than the design, the whole experience has been pleasant because Sarah and Pao were so nice to us. Already I am planning to go back to get another tattoo and next time, I'm going to have an original by letting Sarah make the design from scratch.

After posting photos of my new tat, many of my friends on FB started asking me about it. So I made an FAQ but I posted it on my other blog, Love Letters From Midori. If you too are curious, just click here to see the said post.
I only have high praises for Snow Tattoo and I am recommending it to anyone who want a design they could call their own.

About 'tattoo sleeve ideas for girls'|Custom Tattoo Ideas?

Go to last comment about ' tattoo sleeve ideas for girls?' Oh my goodness, I LOVE your articles for this reason... Excellent article, and such am important topic. I was happy to see you mention... I really enjoyed this post... Thank you for sharing this - very insightful... Appreciate your sharing!...

About 'tattoo sleeve ideas for girls'|Custom Tattoo Ideas?

               Nowadays               the               art               of               tattooing               is               seen               as               a               means               to               express               one's               feelings               or               display               his               or               her               personality               on               the               outside.

Every               tattoo               seen               these               days               has               its               own               meaning               or               unique               display,               some               of               which               are               very               eye-catching.
               Tattooing               was               originally               a               tradition               that               starting               with               men.

So               that               they               can               either               show               their               strength               by               bearing               the               needle,               or               just               to               express               inner               emotions.

More               recently               girls               have               also               started               this               "tradition".

Either               they               too               wish               to               express               their               inner               emotions               or               just               want               to               impress               a               boy.

The               reasons               for               getting               a               tattoo               are               many.

Girls               commonly               are               seen               with:

A               Half               Sleeve               Arm               Tattoo:               Not               just               men,               but               women               too               are               seen               with               half               arm               tattoos               to               display               the               artistic               ink               on               their               arms               which               they               make               even               more               prominent               by               wearing               sleeveless               dresses               to               match               the               tattoo.

These               tattoos               are               used               as               a               decoration               for               the               upper               arms.

If               made               by               an               expert,               they               look               exactly               like               sleeves.

In               Japan               the               Koi               fish               tattoo               is               a               highly               popular               half               sleeve               tattoo               that               is               said               to               bring               prosperity               and               good               luck.


Full               Sleeve               Arm               Tattoo:               Another               category               of               tattoos               is               the               full               sleeve               arm               tattoo.

These               are               gaining               high               popularity               very               quickly               and               they               also               come               in               a               large               variety.

Decorating               the               entire               arm               with               any               design,               the               most               popular               of               which               are               tribal               designs               and               dragon               tattoos.

However               some               people               later               regret               a               full               sleeve               arm               tattoo               as               it               covers               a               major               part               of               the               body.


Arm               Band               Tattoo:               Perhaps               the               most               popular               type               of               tattooing               is               the               arm               band               tattoo.

It               is               gaining               immense               popularity               in               the               world               of               tattoos.

While               at               first               sight,               they               may               look               plain               or               simple,               with               the               help               of               the               expert,               girls               are               getting               arm               band               tattoos               in               all               different               kinds               of               designs               and               shapes.

Nowadays               there               is               a               large               variety               to               choose               from               and               people               sometimes               customers               even               give               ideas               for               a               new               tattoo.


Wrist               Tattoos:               What               is               undoubtedly               the               most               popular               tattoo               among               girls               is               the               traditional               wrist               tattoo.

The               most               common               place               tattoos               are               seen               are               the               wrists               and               later               many               people               get               them               extended               up               the               arms.

Majority               of               the               people               who               get               tattoos               get               wrist               tattoos               because               they               not               only               catch               the               eyes               of               people               they               meet               but               they               also               are               a               convenient               place               to               have               a               tattoo.

The               most               popular               type               of               tattoo               in               this               category,               especially               among               the               girls,               is               the               bracelet               tattoo.

Many               girls               rush               into               shops               only               to               get               bracelet               tattoos               in               a               huge               variety               of               shapes,               designs               and               colors.

Another               type               is               floral               tattoos.

Smart               and               fashionable,               the               floral               tattoos               are               also               the               main               talk               amongst               girls.

A               new               pattern,               mixtures               of               colors,               glitter               in               what               shape               and               design,               the               possibilities               are               endless.

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Image of tattoo sleeve ideas for girls

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls
tattoo sleeve ideas for girls

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls Image 1

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls
tattoo sleeve ideas for girls

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls Image 2

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls
tattoo sleeve ideas for girls

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls Image 3

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls
tattoo sleeve ideas for girls

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls Image 4

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls
tattoo sleeve ideas for girls

tattoo sleeve ideas for girls Image 5

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    About 'cool half sleeve tattoos'|Calf Sleeve?

    Go to last comment about ' cool half sleeve tattoos?' Useful info. Thanks... I appreciate it... I really enjoyed this post... Thanks for sharing your experiences here... Thanks for this very informative article!...

    About 'cool half sleeve tattoos'|Calf Sleeve?

    Star               Trek               is               one               of               the               longest               running               television               series               in               history.

    There               are               five               Star               Trek               series               and               eleven               movies               that               you               can               use               to               find               inspiration               for               your               Star               Trek               Halloween               costume.

    However,               of               these,               Star               Trek:               The               Original               Series,               Star               Trek:               The               Next               Generation               and               the               new               Star               Trek               XI               movie               are               the               most               popular.

    You               can               make               an               easy               Enterprise               crew               member               uniform               costume               or               go               for               a               more               elaborate               Star               Trek               alien               costume.

    Whatever               you               choose,               you               will               end               up               with               a               cool               costume               that               will               turn               heads               at               Halloween               parties.

    When               creating               your               Star               Trek               costume,               refer               to               high-resolution               pictures               from               the               original               Star               Trek               television               shows               and               movies               to               ensure               that               your               costume               is               made               properly.

    Star               Trek               Halloween               Costume               Ideas               for               Adults:               The               Original               Series               Costumes
                   It's               fairly               simple               to               make               costumes               of               the               uniforms               of               the               crew               members               from               the               Star               Trek               original               series.

    To               create               the               original               series               Star               Trek               costumes               for               men,               get               a               long-sleeved               velour               shirt,               a               pair               of               pants               that               reaches               mid-calf               and               some               black               boots.

    Kirk               should               wear               a               gold               shirt,               Spock               and               McCoy               should               wear               blue               and               Scotty               should               wear               red.

    If               the               shirt               doesn't               have               black               trim               at               the               neck,               you               can               sew               or               hot               glue               it               on.

    Add               wavy               gold               metallic               braid               to               the               end               of               the               sleeve.

    Costumes               for               women               crew               members               such               as               Uhura               should               be               a               close-fitting               velour               mini-dress               with               a               low               asymmetrical               black-trimmed               neckline               pointing               slightly               to               the               left.

    In               most               of               the               Star               Trek               original               series               episodes               Uhura               wears               red,               but               gold               is               also               acceptable.

    Add               accessories               and               props               like               phasers,               tricorders               and               wireless               earpieces.

    Attach               an               embroidered               Enterprise               insignia,               which               looks               something               like               a               gold               upside-down               V,               to               the               left               lapel               of               each               Star               Trek               crew               uniform               costume.
                   Don't               forget               about               the               aliens               from               the               Star               Trek               original               series.

    The               original               series               Klingon               costume               is               easy               to               make               from               a               brown               or               black               long-sleeved               shirt               and               pants,               brown               boots,               a               metallic               gold               sleeveless               tunic               and               sash               and               some               swarthy               brown               makeup.

    You               can               make               your               original               series               Klingon               more               complete               by               putting               on               a               scruffy               dark               beard,               mustache               and               upswept               eyebrows               with               spirit               gum.

    Make               an               easy               Andorian               costume               by               coupling               an               exotic-looking               brown               or               gray               tunic               and               pants               with               blue               makeup               and               a               white               wig               with               small               blue               antennae.

    Create               a               Star               Trek               original               series               Romulan               costume               by               wearing               pointed               Spock               ears               with               a               black               shirt               and               pants,               a               metallic               silver               jacket               and               a               red               sash               draped               over               the               left               shoulder.
                   Star               Trek               Halloween               Costume               Ideas               for               Adults:               Star               Trek               XI               Movie               Costumes
                   To               make               Star               Trek               XI               movie               crew               costumes,               find               a               black               long-sleeved               undershirt               and               a               gold,               red               or               blue               lightly               checkered               shirt               with               a               slight               V               neckline               to               go               on               top.

    Wear               long               black               pants               tucked               into               black               boots.

    The               women's               Star               Trek               mini-dress               also               has               V               neckline               and               goes               over               a               black               undershirt.

    Apply               a               plastic               Enterprise               emblem               painted               metallic               gold               to               the               left               lapel               and               straight               gold               ribbon               braid               to               the               sleeves               of               the               shirts               of               both               men's               and               women's               Star               Trek               XI               movie               uniform               costumes.
                   Make               a               Star               Trek               XI               movie               Romulan               such               as               Nero               by               either               shaving               your               head               or               wearing               a               bald               headpiece               and               adding               pointed               ears.

    Draw               or               paint               tattoos               on               your               forehead,               chin               and               cheeks.

    Wear               a               black               shirt               and               pants               with               a               long               brown               robe               over               the               top.
                   Star               Trek               Halloween               Costume               Ideas               for               Adults:               The               Next               Generation               Costumes
                   To               create               a               Star               Trek               Next               Generation               crew               uniform               costume,               get               a               pair               of               black               pants               and               a               red,               blue               or               gold               shirt.

    Attach               black               fabric               to               the               shoulder               area               of               the               uniform               shirt.

    The               shirt               should               have               a               slightly               rounded               collar               with               several               gold-toned               pips               on               the               right               side.

    The               number               of               pips               varies               depending               on               the               rank               of               the               crew               member;               Picard               should               have               four,               Riker               and               LaForge               should               have               three,               Data               two               and               a               half               and               Worf               two.

    Also               add               a               left-leaning               triangular               section               of               black               fabric               to               the               bottom               edge               of               the               shirt.

    On               the               left               lapel,               wear               a               metallic               silver               Enterprise               insignia               on               a               gold               horizontal               ovular               base.

    Worf               should               wear               a               silver               metallic               sash               over               his               right               shoulder.

    Women's               costumes               are               usually               the               same               as               men's               in               Star               Trek               the               Next               Generation;               however,               "skant"               mini-dresses               for               both               men               and               women               did               appear               early               in               the               series.

    The               skant               is               essentially               a               longer               version               of               the               tunic               of               the               two-piece               uniform,               except               with               short               sleeves               and               without               the               black               triangular               border               at               the               bottom.
                   A               Star               Trek               Next               Generation               Klingon               costume               is               more               difficult               to               make               than               the               original               series               Klingon               due               to               the               cranial               ridges.

    For               best               results,               use               a               bald               cap               with               a               long               dark               wig               attached.

    Mold               the               ridges               from               silicone               caulk,               then               apply               liquid               latex               when               the               silicone               has               dried.

    Apply               makeup               to               match               the               makeup               you               plan               to               wear               on               your               face.

    Get               a               black               shirt,               a               pair               of               gray               pants               and               black               boots.

    Make               a               gray               sleeveless               ribbed               jacket               to               go               over               the               clothes.

    Add               accessories               such               as               a               sash               and               a               prop               Klingon               disruptor               and               Bat'leth,               the               curved               Klingon               sword.
                   A               Star               Trek               Next               Generation               Borg               costume               is               also               challenging               to               make,               but               highly               rewarding.

    Get               some               close-fitting               black               garments               such               as               long               underwear               or               a               black               catsuit.

    Get               some               rubber               tubing,               recyclables               such               as               cardboard               and               plastic               containers,               bits               of               junk,               broken               electronics               and               a               toy               rifle.

    Other               accessories,               such               as               a               helmet,               athletic               knee,               elbow               and               shin               guards               and               shoulder               pads               may               be               useful               for               building               your               Borg               costume.

    If               any               of               the               pieces               you               plant               to               use               aren't               black,               spray               paint               them.

    Use               model               paints               to               create               consoles               with               buttons.

    Assemble               the               costume               by               hot               gluing               the               pieces               to               your               helmet               and               athletic               guards.

    This               is               a               very               elaborate               project,               so               start               well               in               advance               of               Halloween.
                   For               even               more               cool               Halloween               costume               ideas               for               adults,               read               Cheap               Movie-Themed               Halloween               Costumes               for               Men,               Homemade               Halloween               Costume               Ideas               for               Women               and               Cool               Group               Halloween               Costume               Ideas.

    Image of cool half sleeve tattoos

    cool half sleeve tattoos
    cool half sleeve tattoos

    cool half sleeve tattoos Image 1

    cool half sleeve tattoos
    cool half sleeve tattoos

    cool half sleeve tattoos Image 2

    cool half sleeve tattoos
    cool half sleeve tattoos

    cool half sleeve tattoos Image 3

    cool half sleeve tattoos
    cool half sleeve tattoos

    cool half sleeve tattoos Image 4

    cool half sleeve tattoos
    cool half sleeve tattoos

    cool half sleeve tattoos Image 5

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    Cold season

    It was incredibly cold to make this фото (since it was almost night, so that the temperature was about -20). 
    My nose and hands were bright red color, but with the help of a photo editor, I made ​​it invisible. By the way, if you think this is a warm sweater, I sayd, no. This sweatshirt made ​​from the material, which is always very cold, so if I was in a T-shirt, it would be warmer.

    Это было невероятно холодно, чтобы сделать это фото (так как это была практически ночь, так что температура была почти -20).
    Мой нос и руки были ярко-красного цвета, но с помощью фоторедактора я сделала это незаметным. Кстати, если вы думаете, что это теплый свитер, то нет. Этот свитшот сделан с такого материала, который всегда очень холодный, так что если бы я была в футболке, мне было бы теплее.
    Sweatshirt and beannie from Choies // Jeans from IDontKnow // Jewelry from Rings&Tings // Watch from Banggood // Feather tattoo from Tattoo for a week


    Today we have -5 degrees below zero . Quite warm , ha ha, compared to previous days. I also had to do some photos for the blog and a online store, so I had to undress, when was -15. I was in a very light sweatshirt without a winter jacket . It was so cold! Brrr!
    Nevertheless, it is not so slippery on the roads. I can walk freely!
    I also got a new tattoo from - heart with feathers. I never loved feathers, because it is probably the most fashionable tattoo and everyone has it, but it seems very cool. Before I do this tattoo, I ruined three tattoos that received. I have no luck.

    Сегодня у нас -5 градуса мороза. Совсем тепло, ха ха, по сравнению с предыдущими днями. Еще мне нужно было вчера сделать некоторые фото для блога и одного онлайн-магазина, так что мне пришлось раздеться при -15. Я была в очень легком свитшоте без куртки. Это было настолько холодно!!! Бррр!
    Тем не менее это уже не так скользко на дорогах. Можно свободно гулять!
    Еще я попробовала новую татуировка от - сердце с перьями. Мне всегда не очень нравились перья, потому что это наверное самая модная тату и она есть у всех, но мне кажется данные перья очень классные. Перед тем, как сделать это тату, я испортила три татуировки, что получила. Мне не везёт.
    If you see it, be sure to try it! Tastier than Nutella three million times! // Если вы это увидите, обязательно попробуйте! Вкуснее, чем Nutella в три миллиона раз!

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