After last week’s attempt to get a state ID I today gave it another try, but this time I went there earlier and hoped that I would be able to get over with this.
I filled out the form at home, so I did not have to stand in the information line which can take more than 2 hours. When I got there I just walked straight to the photo line to take my photo for the ID and after that they sent me to another line where I was going to give them all the forms and pay for the ID.
After 3 hours of waiting I was finally done, but today the lines were much shorter than usual so if you are going to get a state ID be there early in the morning. I got there at 11.00
When you are going to the DMV you have to bring some stuff with you to collect points. It requires at least 6 points to be able to get an ID.
Things to bring to the DMV
Your passport with the I 20 and I 94
If you have a social sec number bring it
School transcript
Berkeley ID
A utility bill with your name on it
An American bank card
$10 for the 4 years ID if you want the 8 years then you have to pay $14
It will take two weeks before you will get it and as Swedish student this ID is more convenient to have then having a passport or Swedish ID carrying with you, because if you lose your passport then life is going to be tough and many clubs or bars in New York don’t accept the Swedish ID. Also another great thing with the New York ID is that it is so cheap. In Sweden an ID costs around $100.
For more info read this