
Slottsskogen in Gotenburg

Today I had an amazing day with my family. The day started off with lots of sun so we went to a place called slottsskogen, which means the castle woods. This place is the heart of Gothenburg, like central park is the heart of NYC. It is 10 times smaller than Central Park but it has a free Zoo for the public, not to many exotic animals but still it is fun to walk around in the park. 

We ended the day with some mega ice creams, I could not believe that I was sitting with my family and having our traditional ice cream.

Hope these days last forever!

На ночь

О, привет!Я думала, что уже не напишу сегодня, так как у нас уже поздно, а мне рано вставать.Как же я не хочу рано вставать!
Мне это совсем не нужно и это мне не нравиться, но я не хочу обидеть никого.Даже не знаю, что делать...
Если мне придется уходить всё-таки, то мне нужно уже готовиться, а я ужасно  хочу спать, а до этого я проводила время с друзьями.
А так весь день снова провела с родственниками, это так утомительно и скучно.
Сейчас пора ложиться спать, но я так и не решила, что буду делать.Хотелось бы просто пропустить завтрашний день.
Ладно, мне пора...Спокойной ночи!

Oh, hey, I thought I did not write today because we already late and I get up early. How could I not want to get up early!
I do not need it and I do not like it, but I do not want to offend anyone. I do not know what to do ...
If I have to go all the same, I need to have to prepare for, and I am dying to sleep, and before that I spent time with friends.
And again all day spent with family, it's so tedious and boring.
Now it's time to go to bed, but I have not decided what I will do. I would like to just skip the next day.
Okay, I have to go ... Good night!

A few new bracelets

Еще раз пишу пока я не уснула, а я усну скоро, это точно, ха-ха.
Хотела показать, что я сделала своими руками за эти дни - несколько несложных браслетов.
Я просто нашла в своей шкатулке немало ненужных и давно уже лежавших бусинок, вот и решила их всех соединить  вместе.Получилось, то что я хотела!
Мне вообще в последнее время хочется что-то делать своими руками и я уже успела испортить себе одежду.Ну ладно, она всё равно старая, ха-ха.Не всегда всё получается с первого раза.
Сейчас я слушаю музыку и смотрю блоги и сразу буду ложиться спать.Буду уже стараться, чтобы завтрашний день был более насыщенным от сегодняшнего.Сладких снов ♥

Once again, I write until I fell asleep, and I go to sleep soon, that's for sure, haha​​.
I wanted to show what I did with their hands these days - a few simple bracelets.
I just found in my box a lot of unnecessary and long lay beads here and decided to combine them all together. It turned out that what I wanted!
I do lately want to do something with their own hands and I have managed to spoil your clothes. Well, it is still old, ha ha. All may not have the first time.
Now I listen to music and watch blogs and just going to bed. I'll have to try that tomorrow was more intense from now. Sweet dreams ♥

Finally arrived in Sweden

Finally today I arrived in Sweden. After 30 hours I met my family and it felt wonderful. Have not seen them for seven months but it feel like years.  Even though it is raining like crazy I am still happy to be home! Don’t take me wrong I really love New York and I miss my American family but I have not seen my sisters and mother for months and now we are going to have a great summer. 

The trip was terrible, I had the smallest seat and my knees were hurting but I did manage to survive. Since it is a 6 hour time different I have to stay up a few more hours before I go to sleep or else I will be jet lagged. 

Hopefully tomorrow it will be sunny and if not well it is ALWAYS SUNNY IN THE GYM!

See You Later NEW YORK!

Starting to get ready for lift off and a lot of things comes up to my mind. Things such as, how is the online classes going to be during the summer, will I be disciplined enough to do all the work or will I slack behind. Another thing that I am thinking about is the weather in Sweden. I am giving up the 90 F here for a 50F in Sweden. Is it worth it? Well as long as I am working out and spend time with family and friends I guess it would be worth it. But please god, don’t make it snow during the summer hahah. 

I have packed all my stuff, cleaned the whole house and now I hope I don’t exceed the weight limit for luggage. According to Lufthansa I can check in a 50lb bag and carry on a 20lb on the flight. If I have more than that, then I have to pay a lot of money to bring my stuff with me. 
I'm planning to head out and work out a last time before departure, the weather is so good what can I do!   

Last Night in NYC

I think that today I beat a record on doing a lot of things on one day. 

I could not sleep because of the hot weather and because of all the things I had on my mind. I got up early to go to school to get my I-20 signed which is very important to do if you want to come back to America again. After that I had to go to my tattoo studio to redo my tattoos because, apparently after the basketball season I started to hit the weight room again so my arms has been growing and therefor my tattoos has been fading away a little bit. The pain today was really terrible and I had to walk around in the heat with plastic strap around my arms. 

 Tomorrow I have to get up early to do the rest of the packing and cleaning. Hopefully I will be done by 2 pm so I can get to the airport early. 

Preparing for Sweden!

Never thought that a shopping day could take so much time. 

Today I had a long list on things to buy home for friends and family. I thought it would take maybe two hours to be done but from 12 to 8 pm I was running up and down in Manhattan searching for right stuff for my family.  I came home with at least 10 bags and the big question is, how do I pack these stuff in my luggage? I don’t even know how to fit my clothes in the luggage. Hopefully my roommate is taking some of my stuff with her since we can bring 50lb luggage each. 

Tomorrow is going to be a long day too. I have to continue the shopping and get home to clean the apartment and I have to redo my tattoos before I go back to Sweden. 

So much to do with so little time. 

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