Unknown About 'angel sleeve tattoo'|Romeo Beckham Shows Off His Arm Sleeve Of Tattoos, Just Like Daddy Beckham About 'angel sleeve tattoo'|Romeo Beckham Shows Off His Arm Sleeve Of Tattoos, Just Like Daddy Beckham Alexander               Co... 5

About 'angel sleeve tattoo'|Romeo Beckham Shows Off His Arm Sleeve Of Tattoos, Just Like Daddy Beckham

About 'angel sleeve tattoo'|Romeo Beckham Shows Off His Arm Sleeve Of Tattoos, Just Like Daddy Beckham

Alexander               Cohen               made               the               short               walk               from               his               Dallas               apartment               to               the               North               American               Alliance               Department               of               Resources               office               building               that               now               occupied               the               old               Department               of               Eugenics               complex               grounds.

There               was               a               subway               station               near               his               apartment               and               a               subway               station               beneath               the               government               office               building.

However,               it               was               only               one               stop               away               and               he               could               actually               get               to               work               faster               walking               on               a               nice               day               than               by               subway.

He               only               took               it               on               days               when               the               weather               was               inclement.
The               wind               in               the               willows               blew               a               cool               breeze               over               the               river               and               tossed               his               ponytail               about               his               shoulders.

He               preferred               to               walk               in               the               shade               to               avoid               the               sun               on               his               fair               skin.

He               stopped               on               the               riverside               walk               often               if               he               had               time               to               sit               in               the               Cassandra's               Prophecy               garden.

The               garden               had               been               planted               as               a               public               relations               response               to               the               people               who               had               initially               complained               of               the               early               negative               population               growth               laws               and               later               the               zero               population               growth               laws               of               the               government               in               response               to               the               chaos               that               followed               World               War               III               when               the               earth               had               surpassed               its               carrying               capacity.

In               the               middle               of               the               garden,               there               was               a               bronze               statue               of               a               weeping               Cassandra               of               Greek               myth.

In               a               sheltered               visitors'               center               there               was               a               dedication               to               Paul               Ralph               Ehrlich               and               an               interactive               computer               outline               of               the               major               points               of               his               1968               book               "The               Population               Bomb".

Few               opponents               of               the               government               ever               stopped               there               or               read               Ehrlich's               warnings               from               his               book.

The               people               who               did               stop               there               were               proponents               of               the               government.
In               the               early               years               after               the               world               had               reached               carrying               capacity               almost               a               century               before,               the               world               was               in               panic.

World               War               III               had               just               ended.

The               Islamic               Alliance's               Jihad               had               lost               their               bid               to               control               world               politics.

Their               combined               forces               were               outnumbered               by               over               three               to               one.

Their               only               grip               on               the               world's               diplomatic               policies               was               their               control               of               fossil               fuels.

World               War               III               in               just               less               than               ten               years               had               motivated               scientists,               industries               and               governments               across               the               world               to               come               up               with               alternative               energy               sources.

The               source               of               Arab               wealth               had               become               almost               obsolete.

Oil               prices               plummeted               and               with               it,               any               chance               that               they               would               emerge               from               the               conflict               with               anything               to               offer               the               rest               of               the               world.

In               the               treaties               at               the               end               of               the               war,               the               territorial               borders               had               been               redrawn.

The               Islamic               nations               had               been               reorganized               into               true               nation               states               with               common               language,               common               culture,               and               predominant               Islamic               sects.

Historical               Islamic               countries               that               had               been               created               between               or               after               World               Wars               I               and               II               had               been               ignored.

Israel,               after               one               hundred               forty               five               years               had               gained               territory               from               Jordan               on               the               east               bank               of               the               Jordan               and               from               Syria               in               the               Golan               Heights.

At               last,               Israel               had               defensible               borders.

As               collateral               damage               of               the               Arab               states               bombing               Israel               and               especially               Jerusalem,               a               bomb               had               missed               its               mark               and               hit               the               Dome               of               the               Rock.

At               the               end               of               the               war,               Israel               had               full               control               of               Jerusalem               and               the               Third               Temple               had               risen               over               the               ruins               of               the               mosque.

Many               religious               fundamentalists               both               Jewish               and               Christian               were               watching               the               skies               for               the               return               of               Elijah.

The               world               economy               was               recovering               and               so               was               the               population.

Then               the               worldwide               famines,               water               shortages               and               pandemics               struck.
Despite               the               initial               efforts               of               traditional               charitable               and               government               help               to               hard               hit               countries,               back               home               everyone               was               also               facing               food               shortages,               water               shortages,               and               strained               medical               systems.

There               seemed               to               be               no               way               out.

It               was               then               the               new               regimes               that               had               taken               control               of               the               world's               still               unstable,               poorly               ordered               provisional               governments               had               the               Great               Summit               of               2022.

A               new               coalition               of               countries               with               resources,               under               pressure               to               protect               their               own               populations,               cooperatively               set               up               the               Department               of               Eugenics               and               the               Department               of               Resources               under               the               New               World               Order,               an               alliance               of               the               world's               nations               to               form               a               world               government.
The               New               World               Order               organized               on               a               representational               parliamentary               system.

Each               nation               state               within               the               alliance               had               its               own               parliament               for               regional               government.

In               turn,               each               nation               state               had               representatives               in               the               New               World               Order               Parliament               based               on               population               for               international               law.

Neutrality               was               an               issue:               the               central               government's               parliament               could               not               be               in               any               recognized               nation               state.

When               Belgium               was               dissolved               and               the               northern               Flemings               integrated               with               the               Netherlands               and               the               southern               Walloons               integrated               with               France,               a               small               territory               was               excluded               to               be               the               seat               of               international               government               in               the               border               city               of               Brussels,               which               had               already               been               separated               as               a               bilingual               district.

Brussels               became               a               city-state:               an               independent               district               not               included               in               the               Netherlands               or               France.
Within               each               allied               nation,               Departments               of               Eugenics               and               Departments               of               Resources               were               established.

The               Department               of               Eugenics               tested               all               persons               for               genetic               disease               and               ethnic               markers,               issuing               reproductive               licenses               to               women               who               were               free               of               genetic               disease               and               sterilizing               men               and               women               who               were               not               free               of               genetic               disease.

The               Department               of               Resources               kept               record               of               available               resources               to               support               the               population.

Nations               that               were               fortunate               enough               to               have               environments               capable               of               sustaining               larger               populations               flourished.

Nations               that               were               unfortunate               enough               to               lack               environments               capable               of               sustaining               their               populations               declined.

One               of               the               first               acts               passed               by               the               International               Parliament               was               the               National               Resources               Act,               which               restricted               international               trade               of               commodities               to               nations               with               surplus               resources               and               nations               with               commodities               they               could               trade               in               exchange.

It               was               a               social               Darwinian               precedent:               survival               of               the               fittest.
Initially               the               Departments               of               Eugenics               had               enforced               negative               population               growth               through               attrition               and               limiting               women               to               a               single               child.

Once               balance               had               been               reached,               the               DE               had               enforced               zero               population               growth               by               limiting               reproduction               licenses               to               only               two               pregnancies               per               woman.

Over               time,               the               carrying               capacity               fluctuated               and               reproduction               licenses               had               to               be               adjusted.
Of               course,               there               had               been               in               the               first               generation               resistance               to               the               restriction               of               one               child               per               woman.

Since               the               odds               of               having               a               1:1               ratio               of               females               to               males               was               merely               statistical               probability,               it               was               not               always               the               case.

Therefore,               when               the               mother's               child               was               determined               to               be               a               boy               or               a               girl,               the               government               tried               to               balance               the               genders.

However,               in               the               final               analysis,               a               man               who               passed               the               Department               of               Eugenics               genetic               tests               to               permit               fathering               children,               the               government's               policy               of               two               children               for               each               woman               was               sufficient.

Unless               they               chose               to               marry,               women               could               out               number               men.

However,               genetic               diversity               was               also               a               concern.

The               Department               of               Eugenics               responded               with               the               necessary               steps               to               maintain               a               1:1               ratio               of               baby               boys               and               baby               girls.

Women               were               forbidden               abortions               merely               because               they               preferred               another               gender.

While               at               the               same               time,               the               Department               of               Eugenics               collected               data               on               each               minority's               population,               and               if               they               did               not               have               an               expected               1:1               ratio,               some               women               were               granted               permission               to               abort.
The               resistance               to               abortion               among               some               religious               groups               had               lead               to               legal               challenges               of               the               law.

The               international               Superior               Court               ruled               that               if               these               religions               had               in               the               past               had               objected               to               abortions               except               in               cases               of               incest               and               rape               that               they               had               nullified               their               own               objections               and               abortion               rights               were               upheld.
This               decision               led               to               resurgence               for               in               vitro               fertilization               clinics.

Rather               than               take               a               chance               on               the               gender               of               their               children,               women               were               having               their               ova               removed               to               be               fertilized               and               then               once               the               gender               had               been               determined,               they               could               pick               the               gender               of               their               children               and               in               what               order               they               had               their               children               with               certainty.
Initially,               no               man               had               a               permit               for               a               child               of               his               own.

The               only               way               a               man               could               be               confident               that               he               had               offspring               and               have               any               input               into               their               raising               was               to               buy               an               equal               share               of               a               woman's               reproduction               license.

These               were               first               class               common               law               marriages.

A               sperm               donor               was               considered               a               second               class               common               law               marriage,               which               gave               the               father               limited               rights               to               see,               and               perhaps               be               involved               in               the               lives               of               his               offspring.

Marriage               rates               increased               significantly.
The               only               way               the               system               worked               was               that               some               women               did               not               want               two               children               or               perhaps               even               one.

Moreover,               financially,               selling               her               reproduction               license               and               being               a               surrogate               mother               were               both               lucrative               propositions.

This               kept               the               Department               of               Population               and               the               Department               of               Eugenics               busy               and               running               even               after               zero               population               growth               within               the               carrying               capacity               was               reached.
Each               newborn               child               had               its               DNA               print,               Y               chromosome               identified,               and               its               mitochondrial               DNA               identified.

This               was               included               in               their               permanent               files               in               the               Departments               of               Eugenics               and               Population.

Philosophers               and               anthropologists               had               on               going               debates               on               whether               these               statistics               should               be               considered               at               all               or               whether               they               should               be               eliminated.

The               anthropologists               had               a               compelling               argument               that               there               should               be               individuals               remaining               to               represent               all               the               ethnicities               of               the               world.

Philosophers               had               a               compelling               argument               that               the               elimination               of               race               and               a               homogenization               of               the               world               population               would               end               the               past's               violence               and               prejudice               based               on               race               that               had               led               to               genocide               and               segregation.

The               government               was               not               compelled               to               take               a               stand               until               the               Israeli               Superior               Court               heard               the               case               of               the               Cohanim               vs.

the               Department               of               Eugenics.

They               argued               that               their               religion               mandated               preservation               of               an               identified               class               of               male               descendents               of               the               ancient               priest               lineage               by               identified               women               of               Jewish               descent.

The               court               ruled               in               a               split               decision               that               while               they               wished               to               preserve               the               separation               of               religion               and               government               that               the               religious               rights               of               the               Jews               to               a               genetically               verified               class               of               hereditary               priests               could               not               be               infringed               upon               by               the               state.

With               this               precedent,               the               International               Superior               Court               ruled               that               all               ethnic               minorities               should               receive               the               same               consideration.
The               anthropologists               were               thrilled               and               quickly               began               to               identify               within               the               Department               of               Eugenics               individuals               with               Y               chromosomes               and               mitochondrial               DNA               for               each               recognized               ethnic               group.

There               remained               however               in               the               citizenship               a               division               over               whether               children               of               pure               ethnic               heritage               should               be               increased               or               whether               ethnic               heritage               by               random               mating               should               take               precedent.

There               were               always               ethnic               groups               who               wanted               to               preserve               their               ethnic               group.

They               wanted               their               children               to               be               more               genetically               pure               than               they               themselves               were.

Choosing               a               father               of               the               same               ethnicity               would               secure               the               stability               of               ethnic               groups.

Some               couples               married               for               love               without               regard               to               the               ethnicity               of               their               children.

Some               couples               chose               to               marry               men               or               women               of               the               same               ethnicity               so               that               their               children               would               continue               the               ethnic               group.

Still               others               chose               in               vitro               fertilization               from               a               sperm               donor               of               a               particular               ethnic               group.

With               the               New               World               Order's               reorganized               nation               states,               emigration               to               ancestral               homelands               was               rising.
The               Department               of               Resources               banned               the               cultivation               of               tobacco               from               otherwise               arable               land.

The               issue               came               to               a               head               with               the               Indian               Nations               vs.

the               Department               of               Resources               case.

The               North               American               Superior               Court               ruled               that               Indians               could               continue               the               cultivation               of               tobacco               as               it               was               part               of               their               cultural               heritage,               with               the               prevision               that               the               tribal               rolls               included               individuals               where               a               Y               chromosome               for               Native               Americans               in               men,               or               the               mitochondrial               DNA               for               Native               Americans               in               women,               was               present.

Many               tribal               members               that               had               previous               recognition               were               shocked               when               neither               a               Native               American               Y               chromosome               nor               mitochondrial               DNA               was               present.

They               had               historically               believed               themselves               to               be               Native               Americans,               but               now               they               found               that               patriarchic               and               matriarchic               lines               were               European.

Upon               appeal,               the               Superior               Court               ruled               that               Native               Americans               with               a               predominantly               Native               American               DNA               print               could               be               included               in               Indian               Nation               rolls.

But               they               encouraged               that               the               Department               of               Eugenics               continue               a               search               for               the               Y               chromosome               marker               and               the               mitochondrial               DNA               marker               to               be               identified               and               exceptional               reproduction               licenses               be               issued               to               genetically               prioritized               births               of               children               that               would               carry               the               father's               Y               chromosome               and               the               mother's               mitochondrial               DNA               markers.

Through               these               measures,               genetically               pure               ethnic               groups               were               being               recreated.
The               DE               and               DR               continued               to               maintain               lower               population               levels.

The               controversial               but               necessary               steps               that               the               DE               had               to               take               were               first               to               enforce               abortions               of               unauthorized               pregnancies               and               to               withhold               unnecessary               medical               care               to               the               terminally               ill.

In               the               early               years               of               the               new               regime,               this               was               the               first               motivation               for               the               foundation               of               the               Revolutionary               Party.

With               their               protests               and               propaganda,               groups               opposed               to               the               measurements               taken               by               the               government               found               a               voice.
Due               to               religious               objections,               some               insisted               on               the               right               to               have               more               than               two               children.

The               first               issue               to               which               the               government               needed               to               address               was               whether               more               than               two               reproduction               licenses               could               be               issued               for               religious               reasons.

This               was               not               feasible.

If               more               women               who               bore               more               than               two               children               increased,               the               goal               of               zero               population               growth               would               be               defeated.

Citing               the               principle               of               separation               of               religion               from               government,               the               government               denied               the               exceptional               reproduction               licenses.

Those               who               felt               they               had               a               religious               mandate               to               have               more               than               two               children               would               have               to               buy               another               woman's               reproductive               license               or               have               a               surrogate               mother               bear               the               couple               a               child.

The               government               responded               by               limiting               food               rations               to               all               families               to               enough               to               support               four.

Some               objected               to               enforced               abortions               of               unauthorized               pregnancies.

The               government               again               responded               by               limiting               food               rations               to               families               of               four               when               supplies               allowed.

Alternatively,               in               some               cases               of               women               who               had               a               history               of               unauthorized               pregnancies,               mandatory               sterilization               was               enforced.

During               periods               of               shortage,               people               had               to               adjust               to               reduced               rations.

During               periods               of               surplus,               the               population               found               it               easier               to               survive               on               rations               for               a               family               of               four.

Continuing               with               their               policy               of               separation               of               religion               from               government,               the               New               World               Order               simply               forced               families               that               wanted               more               than               two               children               to               get               by               on               the               rations               allotted               for               families               of               four.
Religious               denominations               argued               over               the               meaning               of               "be               fruitful               and               multiply".

The               Superior               Court               heard               testimony               from               various               denominations.

The               rabbis               representing               the               Jewish               interpretation               testified               that               the               injunction               only               meant               that               each               married               couple               must               have               one               male               and               one               female               child               to               fulfill               the               meaning               of               the               concept.

As               this               interpretation               met               with               the               government's               policies,               they               refused               to               rule               on               the               various               cases               brought               before               the               Superior               Court.

Catholics,               Mormons,               and               others               who               interpreted               the               concept               as               to               have               as               many               children               as               possible               were               told               by               the               government               that               maintaining               the               world               population               at               or               below               carrying               capacity               in               the               twenty               second               century               was               the               new               reality:               ancient               injunctions               to               increase               the               population               were               antiquated.

Many               argued               that               the               government               and               the               Superior               Court               were               being               inconsistent               in               their               rulings               and               laws,               especially               concerning               separation               of               religion               and               state.

The               government               response               in               public               relations               publications               was               that               these               laws               were               secular.

The               Superior               Court               rulings               in               the               case               of               the               Cohanim               vs.

the               Department               of               Eugenics               and               the               Indian               Nations               vs.

the               Department               of               Resources               cases               had               been               secular               rulings               on               ethnicity.

In               a               statement               released               by               the               Superior               Court               not               to               hear               further               religious               based               cases               on               exceeding               two               children               per               family               the               court               wrote               that               if               an               individual's               religious               principles               were               contrary               to               government               policy,               then               they               should               consider               increasing               their               numbers               through               conversions.

The               Superior               Court               was               walking               a               thin               line.
After               the               first               generation               required               to               conform               to               the               new               regime's               policies               had               died,               and               the               new               generation               that               had               grown               up               with               the               new               regime's               policies               became               the               majority,               things               became               more               peaceful.

The               young               appreciated               the               necessity               of               monitoring               the               carrying               capacity               and               maintaining               the               population               at,               or               below,               that               number.

In               time,               logic               and               reason               seemed               to               have               won               out.

Once               population               was               established               at               carrying               capacity,               zero               population               growth               made               sense               to               most.
When               Alexander               got               to               the               Department               of               Resources               building,               he               had               to               work               his               way               through               the               sea               of               protestors               waving               their               red               banners               with               a               blue               star               of               the               Revolutionary               Party               and               holding               up               signs               calling               for               the               end               of               the               New               World               Order's               policies               and               a               return               to               the               earlier,               pre-World               War               III               governments.
Alexander               did               not               understand               the               protesting               Revolutionary               Party.

The               "good               old               days"               of               which               they               had               been               told               had               only               brought               about               the               problems               in               the               first               place.

Was               it               really               the               end               of               the               world?

All               Alexander               heard               was               just               the               excitement               or               the               panic               of               girls.
Counter               demonstrators               gathered               under               the               New               World               Order's               tricolor               flag               of               green,               white,               and               yellow               with               their               own               posters               of               archival               photos               of               people               fainting               from               hunger,               falling               from               thirst               ,               the               ill,               and               slogans               crying               out:               "Is               this               what               you               want               back?"
Inside               the               Department               of               Resources               building,               the               wall               still               bore               the               Department               of               Eugenics'               slogan:               "One               World!

No               Famine!

No               Thirst!

No               Disease!"               The               slogan               over               time               had               become               the               government's               slogan,               encompassing               both               the               Department               of               Eugenics               and               the               Department               of               Resources               goals.

While               he               waited               to               check               in,               he               gazed               absently               at               the               busts               of               Charles               Darwin,               Francis               Galton,               and               Paul               R.


Their               immobile               marble               faces               seemed               to               match               the               expressions               of               most               of               the               Resources               Department's               employees:               empty               and               without               emotion.

However,               working               for               the               department               did               that               to               people               after               a               while.

A               few               years               of               hours               spent               crunching               numbers               on               population,               food               resources,               water               resources,               and               medical               resources               usually               hardened               or               bored               the               workers.

Only               the               government               officials               who               reported               to               New               Washington               or               Brussels               directly               seemed               to               have               any               enthusiasm               for               their               work.

Alexander               was               just               a               number               cruncher               who               spent               hours               alone               in               his               cubicle.

A               government               job               had               more               security               than               other               jobs               and               more               benefits               or               else               he               would               have               quit               long               ago               because               of               the               tedium.
Alexander's               job               was               actually               quite               simple.

He               only               had               to               do               the               number               crunching               using               the               statistics               that               others               in               the               field               collected.

He               was               just               a               peg               in               the               wheel               of               the               bureaucracy.

Field               researchers               in               the               Department               of               Resources               assessed               the               supplies               of               commodities,               the               water               supply,               and               the               medical               supplies               necessary               to               supply               the               population.

The               Department               of               Resource's               only               link               to               the               more               critical               Department               of               Eugenics               was               a               redundant               Department               of               Population               who               used               census               data               necessary               to               limiting               the               population               to               the               carrying               capacity,               the               maximum               population               size               that               the               environment               could               sustain.
Alexander               pressed               his               thumb               on               the               sign               in               pad               and               passed               into               the               employees'               area.

The               fifth               floor               was               solely               dedicated               to               the               mathematicians.

All               the               walls               were               white.

The               carpeting               was               black.

The               cubicles               were               white               with               black               desks.

The               only               color               that               penetrated               their               world               was               from               an               old               mural.

I               depicted               a               butterfly               emerging               from               a               chrysalis               amid               a               sea               of               multiethnic               faces.

It               must               have               been               there               since               the               Department               of               Resources               first               took               over               the               building               in               2062.

The               blinds               over               the               windows               cast               shadows               and               light               across               the               mural               in               parallel               lines.

He               silently               made               his               way               past               the               others               to               his               cubicle               remarkable               only               for               its               number,               5-7.

He               turned               on               his               computer               and               placed               his               thumb               on               the               keypad               to               log               on.
His               electronic               inbox,               his               homepage,               came               to               life               with               his               day's               tasks               listed               and               external               links               to               the               right               and               left.

His               first               task               was               to               read               a               departmental               memo               on               Department               of               Resources               Enforcement               updates.

He               touched               the               link               on               his               screen               and               was               greeted               briefly               by               the               DRE               logo               before               the               text               appeared.

It               was               no               brief               memo.

Alexander               ran               his               finger               from               the               screen               top               to               bottom:               thirty               six               pages               on               various               commodity               production               figures,               regional               population               growth               figures,               and               a               detailed               report               on               carrying               capacity               and               new               recommendations               on               reproduction               license               restrictions               for               the               northern,               and               southern               North               American               Alliance               districts,which               had               formerly               been               the               independent               counties               of               Canada               and               the               United               States.
Text               scrolled               by               as               he               read               new               restrictions               regarding               a               crackdown               by               the               Department               of               Restricted               Agricultural               Products               on               the               illegal               tobacco               and               alcohol               trade.

Despite               the               2062               ban               using               grain               that               could               be               used               for               human               consumption               to               make               alcohol,               in               industrial               areas               around               the               world               shipments               of               grain               were               being               illegally               diverted               to               distilleries               that               masked               as               manufacturers               of               alcohol               for               medical               and               other               approved               uses.

Alexander               smiled.

Despite               DRAP               constant               surveillance               illegal               bars               could               still               be               found               if               you               knew               whom               to               ask.

It               was               a               failing               policy.

Just               as               had               been               the               case               in               the               early               twentieth               century               Prohibition               laws,               making               most               alcoholic               beverages               illegal               merely               increased               crime               and               speakeasies               were               plentiful.

The               only               legal               alcoholic               beverages               available               were:               wine               made               for               religious               use;               a               limited               supply               of               rum,               tequila,               cider;               and               mead,               which               were               never               in               short               supply               as               the               honeybees               were               necessary               for               the               fertilization               of               many               crops.
Alexander               checked               his               next               task:               adjusting               food               ration               books               quotas               for               the               new               animal               husbandry               projections               and               pricing.

Despite               all               the               technology               at               their               disposal,               adjustments               still               had               to               be               reviewed,               double               checked               for               quota               adjustments,               and               entered               into               the               mainframe.
The               day               passed               quickly               once               Alexander               began               to               concentrate               on               his               work.

He               liked               the               uninterrupted               isolation               of               his               cubicle.

It               did               its               job               effectively:               to               make               the               employees               focus               on               their               work.
Alexander               took               his               lunch               break               and               ran               into               his               coworker               Sherri               in               the               elevator.

Sherri               begged               him               to               join               her               across               the               street               at               the               "Vieux               Carre"               restaurant.

Alexander               was               not               eager.

However,               Sherri               was               insistent               so               he               gave               in.

Once               they               had               their               food               and               had               finished               with               the               obligatory               work               related               discussion,               Sherri               led               Alexander               into               the               real               reason               she               wanted               to               have               lunch               with               Alexander.

It               was               Alexander's               birthday               and               she               had               a               gift               for               him.

Sherri               had               obtained               a               false               ID               for               him               to               go               to               a               speakeasy               to               celebrate.

Sherri               passed               Alexander               a               foil               packet               that               looked               like               a               condom.

She               smiled.

"With               this,               we               will               have               no               problems.

Tonight               you               will               be               Gary               Heart!

Do               not               open               it               yet!

Tonight               when               you               go               to               the               "Absinthe               House",               just               slip               the               latex               sleeve               over               your               right               thumb               and               you               will               find               it               has               an               embossed               thumbprint               for               Gary               Heart.

You               will               get               in               without               any               problem.

Just               try               not               to               be               conspicuous               about               it".

Sherri               reassured               him.

"Alex,               I               have               used               these               often.

Please               don't               ask               me               where               I               get               them.

No               one               will               ask               any               questions               as               long               as               they               do               not               notice               that               you               are               wearing               a               false               print               sleeve.

You               do               not               want               to               have               to               answer               a               lot               of               questions.

But               if               they               do,               there               is               a               fact               sheet               for               the               identity               in               the               package.

You               should               memorize               your               birth               date               and               the               usual               questions.

Just               do               not               slip               up               and               give               your               own               information!"
Sherri               gave               Alexander               the               time               of               the               party               and               assured               him               that               there               would               be               no               problems.

"Just               use               some               excuse               to               go               to               the               back               and               ask               an               employee:               "Where               can               I               get               a               drink?"               Alexander               was               perplexed.

Sherri               explained.

"That               is               the               password!

No               one               asks               in               a               restaurant               'Where               can               I               get               a               drink'!

They               will               show               you               where               the               entrance               is".

Alexander               put               the               foil               package               in               his               pants               pocket.
After               they               paid               for               lunch,               Alexander               and               Sherri               reported               back               to               the               DR               and               returned               to               work.

Despite               Sherri's               assurances,               he               had               not               done               anything               illegal               that               might               jeopardize               his               job.

When               his               computer               clock               showed               that               he               had               completed               his               work               quota               for               the               day,               he               placed               his               thumb               on               his               computer               keypad               and               logged               out.

He               looked               at               his               thumb.

He               had               never               considered               how               much               his               day-to-day               existence               depended               on               the               data               associated               with               that               simple               pattern               of               indented               whorls.
When               he               got               home,               he               immediately               started               deciding               on               what               to               wear               to               a               party               at               a               speakeasy.

Alexander               showered               again               and               dressed               to               go               out.

He               wore               a               pair               of               black               slacks               with               flared               thighs               with               deep               pleats               and               a               white               shirt               with               an               old               tuxedo               button               cover               at               the               neck.

He               thought               he               could               pass               as               an               art               student               or               some               other               denizen               of               the               "Absinthe               House".

He               left               his               hair               down               and               loose               about               his               shoulders.

His               auburn               hair               was               pulling               up               into               tight               ringlets.

Against               his               alabaster               skin,               his               eyes               looked               more               green               than               usual.

He               was               impressed               with               the               effect.

He               resembled               himself               when               he               was               younger               before               he               became               a               government               employee.
Alexander               got               his               foil               packet               and               put               on               the               thumb               sleeve.

It               was               small               so               it               fit               his               thumb               tightly.

In               the               dark,               you               could               not               see               the               latex               sleeve               on               his               thumb.

All               he               need               do               now               was               remember               that               tonight               he               was               Gary               Heart               and               kept               repeating               the               birth               date               on               the               enclosed               slip               of               paper               as               well               as               his               other               vitals:               single,               graduate               student               in               sociology,               born               in               Dallas.

He               could               remember               that               as               long               as               he               responded               when               he               heard               the               name               and               did               not               give               his               own               birth               date               out               of               habit.

They               had               made               it               easy:07/01//2086.

That               would               make               him               twenty               six.

Sherri               must               have               chosen               an               identity               his               same               age.

Alexander               took               the               subway               to               the               area               of               the               "Absinthe               House"               and               walked               in               the               dusk               to               the               restaurant.

The               setting               sun               reflected               off               the               solar               panels               on               most               buildings,               giving               the               city               a               sparkle.

In               undeveloped               tracts               of               land               along               the               river,               wind               turbines               still               made               a               slow               perpetual               spin.

The               Absinthe               House               was               a               part               of               a               luxury               hotel               complex.

The               entire               block               was               made               to               look               like               the               French               Quarter               of               New               Orleans.

Once               inside               the               restaurant,               he               asked               for               the               rest               rooms               and               when               he               was               in               the               back,               he               asked               one               of               the               employees:               "Where               can               I               get               something               to               drink?

I               need               to               take               my               pills."               The               employee               directed               him               with               a               glance               to               a               door               marked               in               plastic               letters               "No               Exit".

               Alexander               went               through               the               door               quickly.

He               saw               in               the               dim               light               a               long               hall               that               ran               the               length               of               the               building,               descending               along               its               length               enough               to               reach               the               basement.

At               the               far               end,               he               saw               another               unmarked               door.

He               pushed               the               second               door               open               into               a               small               nondescript               foyer               with               a               closed               circuit               camera               facing               him               and               an               ID               thumb               pad               on               the               next               door's               frame.

He               pressed               the               latex               thumbprint               against               the               pad               and               the               door               opened               automatically.

               Once               inside,               a               waiter               escorted               him               to               the               VIP               room.

Apparently,               Sherri               must               have               reserved               him               the               best               for               his               birthday.

Alexander               asked               for               a               beer               and               a               pack               of               five               cigarettes.

He               pressed               his               thumb               against               the               waiter's               notebook.

There               was               no               charge               made               to               his               account.

Apparently,               Gary               Heart               had               carte               blanche.

Alexander               lit               a               cigarette               and               found               it               to               be               smoother               than               any               cigarette               he               had               tried               before.

The               smoke               rose               to               the               ceiling               and               disappeared               into               a               quiet               air               filter.

               Alexander               looked               round               the               opulent               room               decorated               with               a               Mardi               Gras               theme               with               masks               and               beads               in               gold,               green               and               purple.

He               scanned               the               room               and               saw               many               groups               of               friends               engaged               in               conversation,               but               very               few               people               alone               as               he               was.

In               one               corner,               he               saw               an               older               woman,               in               her               forties,               at               a               dimly               lit               table               alone.

She               had               her               hair               tucked               up               in               a               military               green               fedora.

She               wore               a               jumpsuit               that               looked               like               leather               with               a               camouflage               pattern               print.

It               was               obviously               not               a               typical               off               the               rack               garment               but               a               designer               ensemble               probably               custom               made               for               her.

On               its               lapel               was               a               round               red               button               with               a               blue               star.

At               least               he               knew               where               he               stood               with               her               politically.

A               gold               skull               and               cross               bones               pendant               hung               around               her               neck.

She               wore               sunglasses               that               hid               her               eyes.

But               Alexander               studied               her               face:               the               cheekbones,               the               bee               sting               mouth,               the               round               face.

She               looked               bored               and               yet               did               not               seem               to               be               looking               at               others               in               the               room.

Alexander               was               not               sure,               but               as               he               watched               her,               he               became               more               confident               that               he               knew               her.

               It               took               all               his               self-confidence               that               he               could               muster,               but               he               gathered               his               beer               and               cigarettes               and               crossed               the               room               to               stand               by               her               table.

She               did               not               look               up               or               seem               to               recognize               his               presence.

Alexander               took               a               deep               breath               and               dared               to               speak               to               her.

In               a               quiet               voice,               he               said,               "Miss               Tremble?"               
               Only               then               did               she               look               up               at               him.

Alexander               was               now               sure               that               he               was               not               mistaken.

He               dared               to               ask,               "May               I               sit               with               you?"               She               looked               at               Alexander               over               the               top               of               her               sunglasses               as               she               lowered               her               head               slightly.

She               smiled               slightly.

               "Sure"               she               said               and               then               paused               as               Alexander               sat               down               opposite               her.

"Alex,               isn't               it?"               Alexander               blushed               and               smiled               broadly               but               could               not               respond.

She               smiled               again,               a               little               more               broadly               this               time.

"Alex"               she               said,               "you               are               not               a               typical               fan!"               Alexander               beamed               at               first               but               then               put               on               his               best               poker               face.

He               did               not               want               to               attract               attention               to               her.

               "Miss               Tremble,"               Alexander               began               to               stammer.

               She               interrupted               him               and               said,               "You               can               call               me               Angel.

After               all,               we               have               met               often               enough."               
               Angel               Tremble               was               no               mere               acquaintance               of               Alexander's.

Angel               Tremble               was               the               lead               singer               of               "Angel               and               the               Snake"               and               Alexander               had               met               her               at               least               twelve               times               after               concerts               before               and               had               long               ago               lost               count               of               concerts               he               had               attended.

               However,               Alexander               was               not               going               to               blow               her               cover,               as               he               knew               this               disguise               from               a               previous               encounter               in               Las               Vegas               years               ago.

Angel               had               always               remembered               Alexander               when               she               saw               him.

He               always               paid               to               sit               or               stand               directly               in               front               of               the               stage.

In               addition,               at               every               concert               he               had               brought               her               blue               roses               and               held               them               up               until               she               bent               over               to               accept               them.

Over               the               years,               Alexander               had               learned               to               send               the               flowers               to               the               venue               before               the               concert.

Moreover,               when               the               lights               came               up,               the               flowers               would               be               on               the               stage               with               the               band.

When               he               had               the               opportunity               to               speak               to               her,               she               never               talked               about               herself,               but               asked               about               how               Alexander               was               doing.

Alexander               never               understood               fully               why               she               remembered               him               among               all               her               fans,               or               why               she               would               speak               to               him               when               she               declined               to               speak               with               others.

Perhaps               it               was               his               tattoo               of               her               signature               and               the               name               of               the               band               or               the               flowers               he               always               gave               her.

After               all,               she               was               more               than               a               music               icon:               she               was               a               woman.

What               woman               did               not               appreciate               flowers               from               an               admirer?

Somehow,               she               had               sensed               that               he               was               no               threat               or               a               sycophant.

               Alexander               knew               why               she               was               in               Dallas:               he               had               a               ticket               for               a               concert               the               next               day.

However,               he               never               dreamed               that               in               all               the               speakeasies               in               Dallas,               she               would               be               at               the               same               one               that               Alexander               went               to               that               night.

               Alexander               had               finished               his               beer               quickly               in               the               excitement               of               running               into               the               woman               he               worshipped               and               Angel               had               finished               her               drink               as               well.

She               took               off               her               hat               and               briefly               shook               her               hair.

Her               trademark               two-toned               hair               fell               loose               of               its               constraints               as               she               took               out               some               hairpins.

In               the               dim               light               with               her               back               against               the               wall,               others               could               see               only               the               blonde               front               and               not               the               darker               brunette               back.

As               long               as               she               kept               her               sunglasses               on,               her               disguise               still               worked               although               Alexander               could               not               understand               why               the               others               in               the               room               still               failed               to               recognize               her.

However,               it               had               been               four               years               since               her               last               album               was               available               for               download               and               it               was               hard               to               stay               in               the               media               during               her               hiatus.

The               other               patrons               were               just               too               busy               in               their               own               conversations               to               note               the               pair               now               talking               at               the               dim               corner               table.

Alexander               also               noted               that               as               he               was               sitting               opposite               her,               facing               her,               he               blocked               others'               view               of               her.

               The               waiter               making               the               rounds               came               by               their               table               and               took               their               drink               order               for               another               round.

The               waiter               asked               her               "What               will               you               have               blondie?"               
               Angel               winced               at               the               familiarity               and               asked               for               a               vodka               and               orange               juice.

Alexander               ordered               another               beer.

"I               hate               it               when               men               call               me               that!"               Angel               said               as               the               waiter               left.

"When               they               see               a               blonde,               they               assume               that               you               are               some               bimbo:               deaf,               dumb               and               blonde.

But               I               get               it               all               the               time,               unless               someone               recognizes               me.

I               call               it               the               curse               of               blondie:               I               will               get               called               blondie               as               long               as               I               have               this               hair."               
               When               the               waiter               returned,               Alexander               pressed               his               thumb               on               the               waiter's               order               notebook.

"Thank               you               Gary"               and               then               he               was               gone.

               "Gary?"               Angel               said               with               some               confusion.

               Alexander               leaned               in               and               whispered               across               the               table,               "Only               for               tonight".

Alexander               lit               another               cigarette               and               Angel's               as               well               as               she               got               one               out               of               her               own               cigarette               case.

               "Why               the               fake               ID?"               she               said,               but               then               stopped               herself               as               she               recalled               past               conversations.

"Department               of               Resources               isn't               it?"               
               "Yes",               Alexander               said.

"I               don't               like               it               but               a               government               job               is               better               than               most".

               "I               have               never               been               fond               of               the               government"               she               said               "But               I               can               see               why               you               would               want               a               job               with               them".

Alexander               thought               a               few               seconds.

He               did               not               want               to               bore               her,               but               she               had               brought               it               up.

"Well,               I               can               appreciate               those               who               object               to               government               policies"               he               said               as               he               paused               to               take               a               puff               off               his               cigarette.

"But,               I               still               agree               with               the               end               result.

We               do               not               have               the               problems               we               had               before".

Alexander               could               not               fully               gauge               her               emotions               with               the               sunglasses               on               but               she               responded               rather               coldly.

               "The               end               justifies               the               means?"               
               "It               is               a               necessary               evil"               Alexander               said               and               left               it               at               that.

Alexander               decided               to               drop               it               there.

He               had               argued               government               policy               with               people               who               considered               the               New               World               Order               to               be               fascist               and               had               found               that               he               rarely               persuaded               any               one.

               Angel               sensed               that               Alexander               had               shut               down               and               changed               the               topic.

"You               are               coming               to               tomorrow's               concert,               aren't               you?"               
               Alexander               laughed.

"Of               course!

And               yes,               you               will               have               blue               roses               before               the               show".

               Angel               smiled.

"I               can               always               count               on               you.

But               I               do               not               want               you               to               spend               so               much               on               them!

A               government               worker               surely               can               not               afford               flowers               every               time!"               She               paused               a               moment.

"I               can               still               remember               when               flowers               were               cheaper.

But               the               government               considers               it,               what:               a               waste               of               arable               land               to               grow               flowers?"               
               Alexander               nodded               not               wanting               to               defend               the               ban               on               use               of               arable               land               to               grow               crops               not               on               the               list               of               approved               commodities,               a               list               that               his               own               department               helped               to               enforce.

"They               grow               them               hydroponically               now               in               designated               industrial               zones.

It               does               not               use               arable               land,               but,               no,               they               are               not               inexpensive".

               "Let's               not               talk               about               unpleasant               things               that               neither               of               us               can               control!"               Angel               said               with               a               tone               one               would               expect               from               a               girlfriend               to               her               boyfriend.

"Tell               me               something               fun               and               new               that               you               have               been               doing.

After               all,               a               government               employee               at               a               speakeasy!

You               must               be               lightening               up".

               Alexander               smiled,               pleased               that               she               had               changed               the               topic.

"I               have               not               been               to               a               speakeasy               since               I               started               working               for               the               government.

It               is               my               birthday               and               a               coworker               got               me               a               fake               ID               to               get               in.

She               gave               me               this"               Alexander               extended               his               right               hand               and               Angel               took               it.

"She               gave               me               this               thumb               sleeve               with               a               fake               print               to               come.

So               here               I               am."               
               "Well,               happy               birthday!

This               is               a               nice               gift.

The               woman               who               gave               you               the               ID,               she's               a               coworker?

A               government               employee               passing               out               fake               IDs!

Brava!"               Angel               smiled               again.

Obviously,               the               thought               of               a               government               worker               breaking               the               law               amused               her.

               "So,               I               take               it               that               this               is               your               first               time               to               the               'KooKoo'?"               Angel               asked.

Alexander's               expression               was               confused.

"KooKoo               is               just               another               term               for               Voodoo."               Angel               sighed               and               looked               about               the               room.

"It               seems               that               everyone               in               Dallas               is               obsessed               with               New               Orleans".

               "Oh,               well               that               is               just               because               of               the               Cajun               and               Creole               Diaspora.

A               lot               of               them               resettled               in               Dallas."               
               "I               rarely               get               to               stay               in               any               city               long               enough               to               get               to               know               a               city.

But               I               had               a               night               between               gigs.

And               they               put               me               up               here               at               the               'French               Quarter'.

It               is               close               to               the               arena.

We               are               playing               at               the               Cotton               Bowl               which               I               am               told               is               in               the               Texas               State               Fairgrounds…but               you               know               that."               
               "So,               how               did               you               know               about               the               "KooKoo"?"               Alexander               pressed.

               "One               of               the               things               a               road               manager               is               good               for               is               to               know               what               hotels,               what               restaurants,               and               what               speakeasies               the               band               can               go               to               when               we               are               in               a               city               over               night."               Angel               took               a               drink               and               got               out               another               cigarette.

Alexander               got               out               another               himself               and               lit               them               both.

"Why               is               it               that               Southern               men               do               that               and               northern               men               don't?"               Angel               asked.

               Alexander               blushed.

"A               Southern               gentleman               is               still               chivalrous               towards               women,               even               in               the               twenty               second               century".

               Angel               had               been               sipping               her               drink.

Alexander               had               been               nervously               draining               his.

"Shall               we               have               another               round?"               Angel               asked.

               "What               do               you               suggest?"               Alexander               inquired,               bored               with               beer.

               "I               suggest               that               you               try               a               shot               of               'Rockbird'               or               'Debravation',               Angel               replied.

               Alexander               admitted,               "I               am               afraid               that               I               do               not               know               what               either               of               them               is".

               "They               are               distilled               liqueurs               my               dear               Alex",               Angel               explained.

"And               sense               you               have               had               neither               I               suggest               that               we               each               have               both".

               Angel               got               the               waiter's               attention               and               Angel               ordered               four               shots:               two               of               each.

After               a               while,               he               returned.

Alexander               pressed               his               thumb               on               the               waiter's               notebook.

               Angel               identified               which               was               which               to               Alexander               and               took               pleasure               at               watching               his               reaction               to               distilled               alcohol               over               one               hundred               proof.

"I               can               see               that               you               are               not               much               of               a               drinker!"               
               "I               rarely               get               out.

I               don't               like               rum               or               tequila.

I               prefer               cider               or               mead.

But,               I               think               I               have               had               enough".


Let's               get               out               of               here.

I               have               not               eaten               yet.

Have               you?"               
               "Is               that               an               invitation               to               dinner?"               Alexander               felt               it               necessary               to               ask.

It               was               one               thing               to               run               into               Angel               in               a               speakeasy               and               have               a               few               drinks.

However,               it               was               presumptuous               to               assume               that               her               inquiry               as               to               whether               Alexander               had               eaten               was               a               question               or               an               invitation.

               "That               was               an               invitation",               Angel               replied               as               she               twisted               her               hair               back               up               in               a               French               Twist               with               the               pins               she               had               removed               earlier               and               put               on               her               hat.

Alexander               was               amazed               at               her               dexterity               and               how               she               managed               it               without               a               mirror.

Angel               looked               at               Alexander's               green               eyes,               so               close               in               color               to               her               own,               and               reading               his               thoughts               said               simply,               "Practice".

               "I               don't               think               we               should               eat               in               the               'Absinthe               House',               it               is               too               well               lit.

You               don't               mind               room               service               do               you?"               Alexander               was               speechless.

He               had               just               had               drinks               with               Angel               Tremble               and               now               she               was               asking               him               upstairs               to               her               hotel               suite.

For               a               devoted               fan,               probably               better               to               use               the               root               word               fanatic,               of               his               favorite               diva               he               was               speechless.

All               Alexander               could               get               out               was               a               stifled               "Sure!

That               is,               I               don't               mind".

               Together               they               got               up               from               the               booth               and               headed               for               the               door.

Alexander               always               forgot               how               petite               she               was.

At               six               foot               tall,               Alexander               stood               head               and               shoulders               above               Angel.

She               walked               behind               him               as               they               walked               and               passed               through               the               double               doors               and               Angel               took               Alexander's               arm               as               they               climbed               the               sloping               hall               back               up               to               ground               level.

               They               reached               the               elevator               and               quickly               caught               one               to               go               upstairs.

Angel               pressed               her               thumb               on               the               control               panel               and               the               uppermost               'P"               button.

Angel               breathed               a               sigh               of               relief               as               the               elevator               quickly               rose               to               the               penthouse               without               stopping.

               "Have               you               ever               been               here               before?"               she               asked               Alexander               as               they               both               watched               the               floor               lights               pass               in               succession.

               "No,               I               haven't"               Alexander               responded               though               he               wondered               why               she               would               ask               him               if               he               had               been               to               such               an               expensive               Dallas               hotel.

"I               live               just               a               few               stops               away               on               the               subway".

               Angel               realized               the               strangeness               of               the               question               as               Alexander               answered.

"Forgive               me.

I               spend               so               much               time               in               hotels               that               it               does               not               occur               to               me               sometimes               that               most               people               can               just               go               home               at               the               end               of               the               day".
               The               elevator               door               opened               onto               a               narrow               hallway               with               windows               overlooking               the               city               on               either               end               and               potted               exotic               bromeliads               flanking               the               penthouse               suite               door.

Angel               pressed               her               thumb               on               the               keypad               next               to               the               twin               doors               and               they               opened               simultaneously.

The               suite               was               like               a               full               sized               apartment               with               a               kitchen,               dining               room,               living               room,               guest               bath,               and               two               bedrooms.

The               furnishings               were               a               mix               of               reproduction               Rococo,               Empire               and               Regency               furniture               from               the               eighteenth               and               nineteenth               centuries.

The               effect               with               the               hand               woven               rugs,               vintage               paintings,               and               luxurious               fabrics               kept               with               the               hotel's               New               Orleans               theme.

Alexander               moved               to               the               windows,               which               opened               out               onto               a               narrow               balcony               with               wrought               iron               decorative               railing               in               black.

Looking               down               the               courtyard               below               looked               like               an               old,               overgrown               garden               in               New               Orleans.

Angel               came               and               joined               him               on               the               balcony.

               "I               wonder               if               this               is               what               New               Orleans               really               looked               like."               Angel               said               with               a               touch               of               nostalgia.

Alexander               shrugged               and               did               not               know               what               to               say.

He               had               never               seen               it.

He               was               born               long               after               the               Mississippi               finally               overflowed               the               levees               that               had               protected               the               city.

Like               Venice,               New               Orleans               sank               beneath               the               water.

Lake               Pontchartrain               was               now               part               of               the               Gulf               of               Mexico               and               Baton               Rouge               was               a               coastal               city.

In               Texas               Galveston               and               Padre               Island               were               gone.

Houston               and               Corpus               Christi               were               now               truly               port               cities.

In               Florida,               a               narrower               peninsula               had               formed               on               the               Atlantic               coast               down               to               Miami.

The               southern               tip,               which               had               once               been               everglades,               was               now               also               part               of               the               Gulf               of               Mexico.

               "I               do               not               really               know.

But               I               have               seen               old               films               shot               in               New               Orleans               before               it               sank."               
               "Well,               I               do               not               know               about               you               but               I               am               hungry."               They               went               back               into               the               suite               and               she               picked               up               the               hotel               phone               and               pushed               the               room               service               button.

"Room               service?

I               would               like               to               order               dinner               for               two.

Do               you               have               any               meat?

I               am               really               not               in               the               mood               for               vegetarian."               Alexander               continued               to               observe               the               suite               while               she               spoke               on               the               telephone.

"Oh,               yes               that               sounds               good.

I               will               have               two               of               'The               Hunter'               platters               and               yes,               I               think               some               black               beans               and               rice               on               the               side               would               be               good.

What               is               the               gumbo?"               Angel               turned               and               caught               Alexander's               attention.

He               signaled               thumbs               up.

"Alright,               two               bowls               of               gumbo.

And               since               were               having               the               meat,               a               couple               of               bottles               of               red               wine…well               what               ever               you               have               that               you               think               will               go               well               with               it.


               She               turned               to               Alexander               and               spoke               apologetically.

"I               hope               you               do               not               mind               me               ordering               for               both               of               us.

But,               I               really               did               not               want               to               read               the               room               service               menu               and               it               will               get               up               here               faster."               
               "No,               I               don't               mind               at               all.

You               ordered               a               typical               New               Orleans               meal.

But,               I               have               never               had               meat               before.

I               can't               afford               it".

               "Why               is               meat               so               expensive               and               hard               to               come               by?"               Angel               was               not               familiar               with               the               Department               of               Resources'               policies.

               "The               Department               of               Resources               banned               animal               husbandry               for               grain               fed               animals.

The               only               meat               you               can               get               is               free               range".

               Angel               smiled.

"Then               it               will               truly               be               an               experience               for               you!

I               myself               have               a               fondness               for               meat.

But,               like               you,               I               could               not               always               afford               it.

So,               I               too               grew               up               pretty               much               a               vegan".

She               paused               for               a               while               lost               in               thought.

"Before               the               food               gets               here,               we               should               find               some               music               to               play.

And               no,               I               am               not               going               to               let               you               play               any               of               my               music!

We               must               find               something               appropriate               we               can               listen               to               as               we               eat               to               the               beat.

Let's               listen               to               something               I               might               never               have               heard.

I               will               let               you               pick".

               "Angel,               I               think               that               I               know               what               would               be               perfect".

Alexander               found               the               suite's               music               system               and               found               in               the               menu               a               New               Orleans'               Jazz               channel.

Alexander               started               it               and               Angel               listened               to               a               few               stanzas.

               "That's               an               excellent               choice,               Alex".

               There               was               a               soft               chime               at               the               door.

A               voice               called               out,               "Room               Service!"               Angel               went               to               the               door               and               a               motion               sensor               caused               the               doors               to               open               as               she               approached.

The               waiter               wheeled               a               cart               covered               with               linen               and               silver               trays               into               the               suite's               dining               room.

He               did               not               speak               but               set               silverware,               three               covered               trays,               wine               glasses,               and               two               bottles               of               wine               on               the               table               on               each               end               for               the               two               of               them.

Angel               pressed               her               thumb               on               his               notebook               and               he               backed               out               of               the               suite,               the               doors               closing               behind               him.

When               the               doors               closed,               Angel               disabled               the               motion               sensor,               which               allowed               automatic               control               and               pressed               the               "Do               Not               Disturb"               indicator               light.

               "Now,               let's               eat!"               She               exclaimed.

               Alexander               unrolled               the               fake               ID               sleeve               from               his               thumb               and               cast               it               aside.

As               Alexander               poured               the               wine               it               struck               him               that               room               service               had               delivered               restricted               alcoholic               beverages.

"How               is               it               that               we               just               left               a               speakeasy               and               you               get               wine               from               room               service?"               
               Angel               sipped               her               wine               through               her               pursed               lips.

"I               am               not               a               typical               hotel               guest".

               Together               they               lifted               the               cover               from               the               entrée               platter.

Angel               identified               each               type               of               meat               on               the               platter:               a               buffalo               filet,               a               few               slices               of               venison,               and               half               a               pheasant.

She               watched               Alexander               as               he               tentatively               took               a               bite               of               each.

               "It's               different!

But,               I               think               I               like               it,               especially               the               pheasant".


I               am               glad               that               you               like               it".

They               both               ate               in               relative               silence,               listening               to               the               jazz.

Angel               finished               before               Alexander.

               Angel               got               up               and               poured               Alexander               more               wine               before               she               went               to               gaze               out               the               window.

She               returned               to               the               table,               sat,               and               studied               Alexander               while               he               finished.

Alexander               looked               up               occasionally               to               make               eye               contact               but               knew               that               he               needed               to               finish               before               Angel               grew               bored.

               "Would               you               care               for               some               more               wine?"               
               "No,               thank               you.

I               think               I               have               had               enough               to               drink               tonight".

Alexander               smiled               to               show               appreciation               for               the               offer.

"That               was               a               lot               of               food!

I               don't               think               I               have               room               for               the               gumbo               or               rice               and               beans.

But,               I               can               get               them               everyday".

Alexander               left               the               other               two               plates               covered.

               "We               can               have               it               later               or               save               it               for               breakfast",               Angel               said               and               took               a               sip               of               wine.

She               was               watching               Alexander's               face               to               see               if               he               caught               the               innuendo.

               Alexander               caught               it               quickly.

               "You               don't               mind               do               you?

You               do               not               have               to               work               tomorrow?"               
               "No,               but…"               Alexander               stopped               not               knowing               what               to               say.

               "Alex,               it               can               be               lonely               to               spend               nights               alone               in               a               hotel               suite               before               a               concert".

               "I               could               stay"               Alexander               said               almost               inaudibly.

He               did               not               know               if               an               invitation               to               stay               the               night               necessarily               implied               sex               or               if               it               was               just               a               case               of               two               people               sharing               the               night               together.

After               all,               the               suite               had               two               bedrooms.

               "Good"               Angel               rose               and               came               to               stand               behind               Alexander.

He               did               not               move               as               she               ran               her               fingers               through               his               hair.

"You               know,               Alex,               you               actually               look               a               little               like               you               could               be               my               younger               brother,               except               for               the               red               hair.

You               work               with               the               Department               of               Resources,               but               they               are               not               who               issues               reproduction               licenses               are               they?"               
               "No,               that               is               the               Department               of               Eugenics".

               "I               thought               so",               Angel               said               as               she               poured               more               wine               in               Alexander's               glass               despite               his               earlier               decline               for               more.

"You               know               that               I               am               going               to               be               forty-one               this               year."               
               "Yes,               your               default               reproduction               licenses               expire               in               a               few               years               unless               you               froze               some               eggs               before               the               deadline."               
               "Well,               Alex,               I               have               been               giving               some               thought               to               it               recently.

I               could               sell               my               two               permits;               I               do               not               want               to               be               a               surrogate               mother;               I               do               not               need               the               money.

But,               I               do               think               I               want               to               have               children.

Ever               since               my               biological               mother               declined               to               meet               me               after               my               mother               died,               I               have               not               been               able               to               stop               thinking               of               children.

I               want               to               know               that               I               have               children               of               my               own               and               see               them               grow               up.

It               is               a               little               piece               of               you               preserved               for               eternity,               don't               you               think?"               
               Alexander               had               thought               about               children               before.

As               a               Cohen,               he               was               expected               to               have               sons.

However,               he               had               never               met               a               Jewish               woman               whom               he               wanted               to               marry.

Nevertheless,               he               was               still               only               twenty-six:               he               had               time.

               "Alex?"               Angel               called               like               a               mother               to               a               lost               child.

               Alexander               snapped               out               of               his               introspection               and               answered               her               simply               "Yes,               I               want               to               have               children               eventually".

               Angel               continued               with               her               own               line               of               thought.

"I               just               need               an               intelligent,               attractive               man…"               she               trailed               off               as               she               drank               more               wine.

               Alexander               gazed               at               a               point               in               the               air               between               them.

               "Did               you               know               that               Snake               and               I               broke               up               last               year?"               
               Alexander               snapped               out               of               his               isolation.

"I               just               read               an               article               about               the               last               four               years               you               spent               nursing               him               back               to               health.

But,               there               was               nothing               about               you               breaking               up!

You               have               been               together…twelve               years."               
               "Well,               we               did               not               want               to               bring               the               article               down               by               saying               we               had               broken               up.

The               article               was               a               feel               good               piece               on               Snake               getting               over               his               disease.

And               our               relationship               was               not               the               focus               of               the               article.

I               was               focused               on               him               getting               better."               
               "He               was               sterilized               when               he               was               young,               wasn't               he?

The               Department               of               Eugenics               would               have               caught               his               genetic               disease               marker               when               he               was               born".

               "Yes,               Snake               has               never               had               reproduction               rights.

That               is               why               I               never               got               pregnant.

I               always               wanted               children.

But,               since               Snake               is               no               longer               an               issue,               I               need               someone               else               to               be               the               father.

All               I               need               now               is               a               healthy,               young,               intelligent,               attractive               man               to               help               me               conceive".

               Alexander               was               silent               for               a               long               time               and               asked,               "Can               I               have               a               cigarette?"               Angel               pulled               out               her               gold               cigarette               case               from               her               pocket               and               handed               Alexander               a               cigarette               and               lighter.

Alexander               lit               the               cigarette               and               inhaled               deeply.

               "You               could               pass               for               my               younger               brother.

So….."Angel's               voice               trailed               off               as               you               looked               at               Alexander               over               the               rim               of               her               glass.

"Will               you               give               a               girl               a               little               help?"               
               Alexander               threw               back               a               massive               gulp               of               his               wine               and               took               another               deep               draw               on               his               cigarette.

Of               all               the               women               in               the               world,               he               worshipped               Angel               above               all               others               from               afar               until               that               night.

Now               Angel               was               asking               him               to               spend               the               night               with               her.

               "Alex,               I               have               a               narrow               window               of               opportunity               while               I               am               ovulating".

She               rose               and               crossed               over               to               where               he               sat               motionless.

She               leaned               over,               kissed               him               on               the               mouth,               and               then               looked               into               his               eyes.

As               her               hand               found               a               nipple               under               his               shirt,               she               kissed               him               again,               deeply.

Alexander               rolled               his               head               back               and               he               was               hers.

She               took               his               hand               and               walked               with               him               to               the               bedroom               and               its               massive               bed               with               designer               sheets               of               blue.

"Windows!"               Angel               said               quickly               and               the               electric               windows               turned               opaque.
               Alexander               woke               in               the               morning               alone               in               the               bed.

His               clothes               were               scattered               around               the               floor.

He               heard               Angel               in               the               kitchen.

Alexander               pulled               the               top               sheet               off               the               bed               and               made               his               way               out               of               the               bedroom,               wrapped               in               blue.

               Angel               sat               at               the               dining               table               drinking               a               cup               of               rose               hip               tea.

She               was               watching               a               NWONN               news               broadcast.

Alexander               ran               his               fingers               through               his               hair,               pulling               it               away               from               his               face,               and               sat               at               the               table               opposite               to               her.

"I               think               you               need               to               watch               this,"               she               said               nodding               at               the               video               screen.

"Can               I               get               you               anything?"               Angel               asked.

               "I'll               have               a               cup               of               tea",               Alexander               responded               softly               and               Angel               put               the               kettle               back               on               the               stove               and               got               out               a               cup               and               more               of               her               private               stock               of               rose               hip               tea.

He               turned               his               attention               to               the               broadcast.

The               first               thing               he               noticed               was               the               emergency               alert               banner               at               the               bottom               of               the               screen.

Overnight,               bombs               in               the               subways               had               exploded               under               the               government               buildings               in               major               cities               throughout               North               America.

The               bombs               were               powerful               enough               to               destroy               the               subway               stations               and               the               buildings               above.

Martial               law               had               been               declared.

The               Revolutionary               Party               had               claimed               responsibility.

No               estimates               were               available               as               to               how               many               had               died.

Between               shots               of               the               devastation               of               the               government               buildings               the               correspondent               cut               to               footage               of               Revolutionary               Party               members               celebrating               in               the               streets               and               the               militia               in               full               riot               gear               surrounding               what               had               been               the               government               centers               the               day               before.

               The               water               came               to               a               boil               and               she               poured               hot               water               over               the               tea               bags               in               the               two               cups.

Carefully               she               came               back               into               the               dining               room,               set               down               her               teacup               and               then               set               a               cup               before               Alexander.

               "What               are               you               going               to               do?"               She               asked               as               the               tea               brewed.

               "Well,"               Alexander               spoke               in               his               initial               shock,               "I               seem               to               be               out               of               a               job               for               a               while.

The               bombers               did               not               get               the               mainframe.

The               mainframe               that               backs               up               basic               individual               identification               data               is               at               a               secret               facility               deep               underground.

All               they               destroyed               was               local               data               at               the               buildings               destroyed               on               Eugenics               and               Resources               not               yet               backed               up.

But               even               if               we               found               a               temporary               location,               it               will               take               days               to               find               and               restore               the               data.

We               will               have               to               start               over               on               the               data               base."               
               "Alex,               I               think               you               might               want               to               leave               the               city.

As               long               as               they               are               rioting,               you               are               a               target.

You               can               not               even               buy               food               without               your               government               employee               status               being               known".

Angel               spoke               with               concern               for               Alexander.

There               was               no               hint               of               approval               or               disapproval               of               the               bombings.

She               was               not               talking               politics.

She               was               worried               for               Alexander.

               "I               do               not               even               think               they               will               miss               me               for               a               few               days.

I               will               have               to               contact               someone.

But               with               the               regional               departments               destroyed,               I               do               not               know               who".

Alexander               looked               up               with               tears               in               his               eyes.

               "Alex,               what               is               it?"               
               "Angel,               they               don't               know               what               they               have               done!

They               think               that               with               the               New               World               Order               gone               that               life               will               be               freedom               with               no               worries.

But,               they               do               not               appreciate               how               much               we               did               to               provide               for               their               needs.

It               will               be               chaos               again."               Alexander               covered               his               face               with               his               hands.

"They               never               believed               that               we               had               their               best               interests               in               mind.

In               days,               without               government               control,               the               groceries               will               be               out               of               food               and               they               will               not               know               where               their               next               meal               is               coming               from".

               "Alex,               you               know               that               I               never               supported               the               New               World               Order.

But,               I               never               supported               a               violent               revolution               either.

But               now               I               am               more               concerned               about               you".

               Alexander               looked               at               Angel.

He               was               lost               without               the               order               that               the               government               provided.

"What               am               I               going               to               do?"               
               "Alex,               you               are               not               an               elected               government               member.

You               just               work               for               the               government.

During               the               riots,               you               could               disappear               for               a               while.

And               I               think               you               need               protection               or               to               get               out               of               Dallas",               
               "What               am               I               going               to               do?

I               do               not               even               know               how               I               can               get               home!"               
               "Alex,               let               me               take               care               of               you               for               a               while.

I               have               security               and               the               means               to               get               you               out               of               Dallas".

She               walked               over               to               Alexander,               leaned               over,               and               kissed               him.

"I               have               a               sound               check               today.

Before               then,               let               my               driver               take               you               home               and               get               a               few               things               together.

Then               you               can               come               back               for               the               sound               check               and               after               the               concert,               you               can               leave               Dallas               with               me."               
               "What               if               the               government               tries               to               contact               me?"               
               "Alex,               what               do               you               do               for               them?

You               input               data               to               a               computer.

Many               people               will               be               unaccounted               for               during               the               riots.

Do               you               really               want               to               stay               in               Dallas               and               wait               to               go               back               to               work?"               
               "Angel,               I               hate               my               job.

But,               I               have               a               decent               salary               and               benefits.

I               am               not               even               sure               if               it               would               be               criminal               for               me               to               just               disappear."               
               "You               do               not               have               anything               to               worry               about               if               we               get               you               out               of               Dallas               until               things               calm               down.

I               can               take               care               of               you               until               you               know               what               to               do."               
               Alexander               laid               his               head               against               her               shoulder.

She               stroked               his               hair               and               kissed               him.

"Look               on               the               bright               side.

This               may               be               your               opportunity               to               start               a               new               life".

               Alexander               began               to               cry               again.

Angel               held               him               and               realized               that               for               him,               the               loss               of               the               government               job               was               not               the               problem.

It               was               his               fear               of               anarchy.

She               always               wanted               the               overthrow               of               the               New               World               Order.

However,               she               never               knew               someone               on               the               inside               who               knew               just               how               dependent               society               was               on               it.

"Alex,               don't               give               up.

Let               me               do               this               for               you."               
               Alexander               felt               hopeless               without               her               and               he               knew               that               he               was               going               to               turn               his               life               over               to               her.

He               could               not               imagine               a               world               without               the               New               World               Order,               but               Angel               could               protect               him               and               provide               for               him.

               "Why               don't               you               go               get               dressed               while               I               heat               up               your               rice               and               beans               from               last               night.

My               schedule               is               hectic.

You               need               to               eat:               we               may               not               get               a               chance               to               eat               again               until               after               the               concert               tonight."               
               "Yes,               I               do               need               to               eat.

I'll               get               dressed".

He               hugged               her               and               realized               that               while               he               had               been               her               lover               overnight,               in               the               morning               she               was               his               surrogate               mother.

He               released               his               embrace               and               gathered               the               sheet               about               him               again               as               he               got               up.

He               walked               into               the               bedroom               with               his               mind               empty               except               for               the               comfort               of               being               with               her.

               When               Alexander               emerged               again               from               the               bedroom,               he               sat               down               and               ate               the               rice               and               beans               that               Angel               had               placed               on               the               table.

Angel               set               opposite               him               and               ate               as               well.

               When               they               had               finished,               Angel               advised               Alexander:               "I               am               going               to               call               my               driver               and               have               him               ready               to               take               you               home               to               get               a               few               things.

While               I               get               ready               for               the               sound               check,               you               go               to               your               place               and               pack               enough               clothes               and               what               ever               you               need               for               at               least               a               week.

My               driver               will               bring               you               back               here.

And               then,               you               will               spend               the               rest               of               the               day               with               me."               Angel               looked               at               Alexander               who               was               still               unresponsive.


I'll               do               that.

So,               what,               I               am               going               to               be               a               roadie               for               a               while?"               
               "That               is               an               excellent               idea!

You               will               just               travel               with               me               for               the               duration               of               this               tour               until               you               decide               what               to               do".

Angel               came               over               to               where               Alex               sat               and               gave               him               a               quick               kiss               on               the               cheek.

               Angel               left               the               table               briefly               to               get               her               notebook.

When               she               returned               she               made               a               few               taps               and               then               handed               it               over               to               Alexander.

"Can               I               get               your               thumb               print?"               Alexander               pressed               his               thumb               on               the               notebook               and               with               a               touch               transferred               all               his               personal               data               to               her               contacts.

               "I               have               a               sound               check               at               four               this               afternoon.

You               will               need               to               come               back               here               before               I               leave.

I               will               leave               word               at               the               box               office               to               refund               your               ticket               and               give               you               an               all               access               pass.

Do               you               have               your               cell               phone?"               
               Alexander               and               Angel               traded               phones.

They               each               put               their               thumb               on               the               phones'               sensor               pads.

With               a               touch,               they               programmed               each               other's               phones               with               their               contact               information.

               Angel's               cell               phone               began               to               ring               and               she               started               her               day               of               speaking               with               her               tour               manager               to               go               over               her               schedule.

When               they               finished               their               tea,               Alexander               checked               the               suite               for               any               of               his               things.

Angel               called               for               her               limousine               to               be               prepared.

Angel               walked               Alexander               to               the               elevator.

               "I               will               see               you               later               then               my               darling               man",               she               kissed               him,               and               when               the               elevator               arrived,               she               stepped               in               long               enough               to               press               the               appropriate               button               to               take               him               to               the               hotel's               parking               garage               where               her               Autoamerican               electric               limousine               waited.

She               kissed               him               again               and               stepped               out               while               the               door               closed.
               Alexander               got               off               the               elevator               in               the               parking               garage               where,               Frank,               her               driver               was               waiting               for               him.

They               went               to               the               limousine               together               and               Frank               let               him               in               the               rear.

He               unplugged               the               car,               got               behind               the               wheel,               and               pulled               out               of               the               garage.

               As               he               pulled               out               and               rounded               the               corner               of               the               hotel,               the               driver               asked               "Where               to               sir?"               and               Alexander               gave               him               directions.

Alexander               watched               the               route               home               through               the               luxury               of               a               limousine               window               rather               than               in               the               darkness               of               the               subway.

However,               all               he               saw               was               jubilant               revolutionaries               in               the               streets               and               the               militia               on               almost               every               corner.

               Frank               pulled               up               in               front               of               Alexander's               apartment               building               and               let               him               out.

Alexander               quickly               packed               for               about               a               week's               absence.

He               double               checked               to               see               if               he               had               left               anything               he               might               need.

He               looked               around               the               apartment.

About               the               only               thing               left               was               a               heart               on               a               wall               that               Carol               had               given               him               in               college.

Alexander               called               down               to               Frank               to               help               him               with               his               three               bags.

Frank               came               up               and               carried               what               Alexander               could               not,               loading               the               limousine's               trunk.

As               they               pulled               away               from               the               apartment               building               and               headed               back               to               the               hotel,               it               occurred               to               Alexander               that               he               might               not               be               coming               back.

The               main               streets               were               full               of               Revolutionary               Party               members               and               sympathizers.

The               militia               kept               a               few               lanes               open               to               traffic.

               When               they               returned               to               the               hotel,               they               pulled               into               the               underground               parking               garage.

Once               in               the               garage,               the               driver               parked               and               opened               the               door               for               Alexander               to               get               out.

Once               the               driver               had               plugged               the               car               in               to               recharge,               together               they               walked               to               the               elevators.

The               driver               put               his               thumb               on               the               sensor               pad               and               pressed               the               penthouse               button.

They               rode               up               in               the               elevator               in               silence.

               When               the               elevator               doors               opened               on               the               penthouse               floor,               the               driver               set               Alexander's               bags               out               and               then               got               back               in               the               car.

"I               will               see               you               later,               sir"               and               he               tipped               his               hat               as               the               doors               closed.

               Alexander               picked               up               his               bags.

He               made               his               way               towards               the               door               and               pressed               the               bell.

Cheryl               came               to               the               door,               and               let               him               in.

"Are               the               three               bags               all               you               brought?"               Her               tone               seemed               sarcastic               to               express               disapproval.

               "Yes"               Alexander               said               with               some               embarrassment               as               he               entered               the               suite.

               "Is               that               Alex?"               Angel's               voice               came               from               the               bedroom.

               Cheryl               went               into               the               bedroom               and               returned               only               to               say               flatly,               "Angel               wants               to               see               you               now".

               Alexander               went               into               the               bedroom               as               she               was               preparing               to               leave               for               the               sound               check.

Angel               looked               him               over               as               though               she               was               checking               to               see               if               he               was               appropriately               dressed.

He               was               wearing               black               jeans,               and               an               Angel               and               the               Snake               T-shirt               from               a               previous               tour.

Angel               smiled               briefly.

"Well,               you               will               blend               in               with               the               others.

But,               we               may               not               be               coming               back               to               the               hotel.

You               might               want               to               change               into               something               more               formal."               
               Angel               called               again               for               Cheryl.

"Call               Nigel               and               get               him               over               here               to               help.

I               think               we               should               take               everything               with               us.

I               do               not               think               we               will               come               back               after               the               sound               check".

               Alexander               went               into               the               second               bedroom               and               dressed               in               another               pair               of               black               slacks,               a               white               shirt,               and               a               narrow               black               tie.

He               put               everything               back               in               his               suitcases               and               took               them               to               the               living               room.

               After               a               few               minutes,               the               phone               rang               and               Cheryl               answered.

"Send               him               up".

She               put               down               the               phone               and               called               into               Angel,               "That               was               the               front               desk.

Nigel               is               here.

He's               on               his               way               up".

Shortly               the               bell               rang               and               Cheryl               let               Nigel,               a               roadie,               in.

"Angel               is               going               to               need               help               getting               everything               down               stairs.

She               wants               to               take               every               thing               to               the               sound               check.

We               may               not               be               coming               back               to               the               hotel."               She               turned               to               Alexander               "This               is               Alex".

Alexander               nodded               and               managed               a               simple               "Hi".

However,               Nigel               did               not               seem               to               care.

He               followed               Cheryl               into               the               bedroom               and               Alexander               could               faintly               here               them               discuss               what               was               ready               to               be               taken               down               to               Nigel's               tour               van.

Nigel               emerged               and               asked               Alexander,               "Angel               will               be               a               while.

Meanwhile,               is               your               stuff               ready               to               go               down?"               "Yes",               Alexander               pointed               out               his               three               bags.

Nigel               scoffed               and               gathered               them               up               and               left               the               suite               with               them.

               Alexander               stood               outside               Angel's               bedroom               as               she               filled               trunks               with               performance               costumes,               makeup               and               hairpieces.

She               was               dressed               simply               and               surveyed               the               room.

She               spoke               to               Cheryl.

"I               think               that               is               everything.

Call               Nigel               back               up               to               carry               this               down".

               Angel               came               out               of               the               bedroom               and               sat               down.

Alexander               joined               her.

She               pulled               out               her               cigarette               case,               offered               Alexander               a               cigarette,               and               took               one               out               for               herself.

Alexander               lit               them               both.

Angel               took               a               puff               and               then               went               to               retrieve               her               notebook.

               "Alexander,               I               want               you               to               help               me               with               something.

Just               a               moment,               do               I               have               my               reproduction               licenses               stored               on               my               notebook               somewhere?"               
               "You               should"               Alexander               said               not               understanding               what               she               was               doing.

               "I               want               you               to               help               me               find               them.

I               need               to               make               some               changes               I               think.

You               told               me               last               night               that               my               reproductive               permits               will               expire               soon               due               to               my               age,               right?"               
               "Yes,               after               forty               the               chances               of               a               woman               having               a               child               with               a               birth               defect               go               up."               
               "Alright,               then               help               me               find               those               permits               and               help               me               fill               them               out"               
               "Now,"               Alexander               pressured,               "before               the               sound               check?"               
               "Yes"               I               want               to               have               you               help               me               fill               them               out               before               I               forget".

               Angel               unlocked               her               notebook               and               then               handed               it               to               Alexander.

               "It               will               take               me               a               few               minutes".

Alexander               started               going               through               the               menu               to               locate               Angel's               government               permits               copies.

Soon               Alexander               had               navigated               through               the               Department               of               Eugenics               section               to               Angel's               reproduction               licenses.

"Angel",               Alexander               called               her               back               to               his               side,               "I               found               them.

They               expire               in               four               years".


I               would               not               have               known               that               they               had               expired               if               you               had               not               told               me.

Let's               fill               them               out".

               "First               to               initiate               the               form               changes,               I               need               your               thumb               print               in               this               field".

               Angel               pressed               her               thumb               on               the               form               and               an               image               of               her               print               appeared               in               a               box               on               the               form.

               "Now               we               have               to               make               the               choices               at               the               bottom.

You               need               to               chose               "freeze               ova",               "in               vitro               fertilization               by               a               sperm               donor",               or               "in               vitro               fertilization               by               designated               father".

               Angel               looked               at               them.

"I               want               in               vitro               fertilization               by               designated               father".

               "Fine,               but               you               will               need               to               give               your               imprint               again               on               this               field               next               to               it."               Angel               hesitantly               pressed               her               thumb               carefully               in               the               appropriate               field.

Again,               her               print               image               appeared.

"Alright,               you               will               need               your               designated               father               to               fill               out               this               section".

Angel               took               the               notebook               from               Alexander               and               then               took               Alexander's               right               wrist               and               guided               his               hand               over               the               notebook.

               "Angel,"               Alexander               looked               into               her               eyes               and               asked,               "are               you               sure               you               want               to               do               this?"               
               "Alexander,               after               you               imprinted               your               data               on               my               notebook               this               morning               I               looked               it               over.

You               are               intelligent;               your               IQ               was               'gifted'               over               140!

You               have               no               genetic               disease               markers,               you               look               so               much               like               me,               except               for               the               red               hair               but               I               love               the               way               it               curls               up               into               locks               when               you               leave               it               down.

Your               statistics               are               great:               your               mental               profile               shows               that               you               are               almost               equally               right               and               left               brained.

I               have               heard               you               sing               my               songs,               so               I               know               that               the               child               will               be               able               to               sing.

On               the               other               hand,               who               knows?

The               child               could               do               almost               anything".

With               that,               Angel               pushed               Alexander's               hand               closer               to               the               pad.

               Alexander               took               the               pad               from               her               a               squarely               poised               his               thumb               over               'designated               father'               he               took               a               deep               breath               and               pushed               his               thumb               down.

Having               done               that,               all               of               his               personal               data               filled               the               'designated               father'               section.

"Now               we               need               a               witness".

               Angel               called               out               for               Cheryl.

Cheryl               came               out               of               the               bedroom.

               "Cheryl,               I               need               you               as               a               witness               on               some               documents"               
               Cheryl               looked               perplexed.


We               have               to               get               ready               for               the               sound               check!"               
               Alexander               explained               for               her,               "All               we               need               is               your               ID               on               a               couple               of               documents"               
               "What               documents?"               
               "My               reproduction               licenses,               they               expire               in               four               years               and               Alex               is               helping               me               fill               them               out."               
               Cheryl               immediately               looked               shocked.

"Angel,               you               can               not               get               pregnant               now,               not               during               a               tour!"               
               "They               are               for               in               vitro               fertilization.

I               can               do               it               anytime               in               the               next               four               years".

               "Yes,               but               Angel               who               are               you               going               to               have               be               the               father               of               these               children?

You               just               broke               up               with               Snake               and               he               cannot               be               the               father.

Who               are               you               going               to               designate?

You               have               not               even               started               dating               again?"               
               Angel               turned               to               Alexander               and               then               back               at               Cheryl.

               "Oh,               Angel               devil               don't               you               dare!

He               is               just               a               fan!

He's               just               an               available               man               that               you               spent               the               night               with!"               
               "Cheryl,               I               have               gone               over               Alex's               DNA               print.

He               is               perfect.

He               also               looks               a               lot               like               me,               don't               you               think?

He               could               be               my               younger               brother.

Cheryl,               I               have               chosen               him:               I               have               known               Alex               for               years               and               his               DNA               print               and               looks               would               give               me               beautiful,               talented               children.

I               have               made               up               my               mind".

               "What               ever!

If               you               have               made               up               your               mind               I               can't               dissuade               you."               She               plopped               down               on               the               couch               next               to               Angel               opposite               Alexander.

               Angel               handed               her               notebook               to               Cheryl.

Alexander               addressed               Cheryl.

"We               have               already               filled               out               the               first               one.

Do               you               see               the               'witness'               space               at               the               bottom?

Just               press               your               thumb               there."               
               Cheryl               found               the               box               and               pressed               her               thumbprint               on               the               form.

It               automatically               filled               out               the               witness               information.

"Are               we               done?"               
               "Now               we               have               to               do               the               second               permit               as               well,               if               that               is               if               Angel               wants               two               children               and               she               doesn't               want               to               pick               out               another               option               in               the               next               four               years".

               "No,               I               want               to               do               them               both               now",               Angel               declared.

"I               do               not               want               to               wait               and               have               the               other               one               expires               because               I               did               not               fill               it               out."               
               Alexander               pulled               up               her               second               permit               and               together               they               completed               the               second.

"Angel,               if               we               do               not               do               this               within               the               next               four               years               it               will               become               null               and               void".

               "I               thought               we               agreed               this               morning               that               you               are               going               to               be               with               me               a               while               until               this               revolution               mess               is               over"               
               "We               did,               but               this               is               going               to               have               us               pretty               much               joined               at               the               hip               for               four               years.

It               may               not               seem               to               terribly               romantic,               but               when               a               woman               assigns               a               man               to               be               the               designated               father,               it               is               a               second               class               common               marriage               unless               both               parties               fill               out               a               single               parent               form               to               go               with               it."               
               Angel               kissed               Alexander,               "Let's               not".

               "Oh,               there               is               one               more               thing."               Alexander               interjected.

               "What?"               Angel               and               Cheryl               said               in               chorus.

               "I               have               my               own               reproduction               licenses               that               I               have               not               filled               out".

               Both               women               looked               baffled.

Cheryl               spoke               impatiently               "Men               do               not               have               their               own               reproduction               licenses!"               "Well,"               Alexander               tried               to               speak               politely               as               Cheryl               was               a               little               high               strung,               "I               do               because               I               am               a               Cohen".

               Angel               turned               to               Alexander               as               Cheryl               did               as               well,               expecting               an               explanation.

               "I               am               Jewish,               and               because               I               am               a               Cohen,               I               am               allowed               two               sons".

He               took               Angel's               hand               because               he               did               not               think               she               would               like               the               conditions.

"But,               Angel,               you               can               not               be               the               mother               because               you               are               not               Jewish."               
               Alexander               explained               to               both               of               the               women               "My               sons               will               have               to               be               carried               by               a               surrogate               Jewish               mother               unless               I               find               a               nice               Jewish               girl               to               marry.

And               I               have               not               found               it               easy               to               find               a               single,               nice               Jewish               girl               that               wants               to               marry               me.

So,               if               I               opt               for               a               surrogate               Jewish               mother,               they               will               send               my               sperm               to               Israel               and               find               one               or               two               women,               preferably               the               daughters               of               the               Cohen               line               to               be               the               surrogate               mother.Let               me               get               my               notebook."               
               Alexander               got               his               notebook               and               brought               up               his               own               reproductive               licenses               and               quickly               filled               out               the               options               for               in               vitro               fertilization               by               a               Jewish               woman,               preferably               Israeli.

He               handed               the               notebook               to               Angel.

               "Why               do               you               need               my               ID               if               I               am               not               going               to               be               the               mother?"               
               "I               need               you               as               a               witness.

And,               since               I               am               the               designated               father               on               your               permits,               they               really               expect               my               common               law               wife               to               witness               the               permit               acknowledging               that               you               are               agreeable".

               "I               am               your               common               law               wife?"               Angel               said               in               bewilderment.

               "Technically,               for               government               purposes               as               the               designated               father               of               your               children,               I               am               your               second               class               common               law               husband.

It               is               a               technicality:               if               you               raise               your               children               as               a               single               parent,               as               the               sperm               donor               I               am               still               technically               your               children's               father.

Under               most               circumstances               without               a               civil               union,               as               the               father               of               your               children               we               would               have               a               first               class               common               law               marriage."               
               Cheryl               was               not               amused.

"Alex,               you               understand               that               with               Angel's               assets               she               can               not               simply               become               your               wife!"               
               "Well,               technically               she               isn't.

But               as               the               sperm               donor,               I               do               have               limited               rights               to               my               children               who               ever               the               mother               is.

It               is               not               a               legal               marriage.

It               is               just               a               second               class               common               law               marriage               when               it               comes               to               the               mothers               of               my               children"               
               "So,               these               two               anonymous               Israeli               women               are               also               common               law               wives?"               
               "Yes,               they               are,               technically".

               Cheryl               was               annoyed.

"Great               Angel,               you               are               now               the               common               law               wife               of               a               polygamist!"               
               Alexander               quickly               filled               out               his               second               permit               and               Angel               witnessed               it.

               Cheryl               interrupted               their               moment               together               with               a               blunt               announcement:               "You               need               to               get               Nigel               up               here               to               take               your               stuff               down.

We               do               not               have               much               time.""Yes",               Nigel               should               be               on               is               way               up               about               now.

He               took               Alex's               bags               down"               The               bell               rang.

"That               should               be               him".

               The               four               of               them               went               into               Angel's               bedroom               and               each               picked               up               as               much               of               her               luggage               as               possible.

Angel               made               a               quick               visual               sweep               of               the               room.

"I               think               that               is               everything"               
               They               left               the               suite               and               the               four               of               them               left               together               to               take               the               elevator               down.

Angel               pressed               her               thumb               on               the               pad               and               the               parking               garage               button.

When               the               doors               opened,               Frank               was               waiting               and               escorted               everyone               but               Nigel               to               the               limousine.

Frank               and               Nigel               loaded               Angel's               things               into               the               tour               van.

Cheryl               got               in               the               front               seat               and               Frank               opened               the               rear               door               for               Angel               and               Alexander.

As               soon               as               Frank               was               behind               the               wheel,               they               pulled               out               of               the               garage.

Nigel               followed.
               They               drove               through               the               streets               lined               with               militia               and               Revolutionary               partisans.

Alexander               looked               at               them               as               they               drove               past.

There               faces               were               beaming               as               though               the               revolution               was               over.

               "I               do               not               understand               why               you               did               not               cancel               the               concert               tonight?

Will               it               be               safe?"               Alexander               asked.

               Cheryl               turned               to               look               at               him               disapprovingly.

Angel               shot               her               a               look               and               she               turned               to               Alexander.

"Well,               despite               everything,               we               got               a               call               today               from               some               government               official               to               confirm               that               we               would               still               have               the               concert".

Angel               seemed               perturbed.

"It               was,               in               their               opinion,               necessary               not               to               recognize               the               bombings               this               morning               and               to               have               the               concert               as               scheduled…so               as               not               to               give               further               notice               to               the               Revolutionary               Party               and               continue               as               though               the               government               was               still               in               full               power".

               They               pulled               up               into               the               fairgrounds               and               were               directed               to               a               small               parking               lot               behind               the               Cotton               Bowl.

Outside               the               fairgrounds,               there               was               a               sizable               militia               presence.

Outside               the               Cotton               Bowl,               there               were               extra               police               officers,               more               than               usual               for               an               event.

Once               they               were               behind               the               Cotton               Bowl,               Frank               parked               the               car.

Cheryl               got               out               on               her               own.

Angel               waited               for               Frank               to               open               the               door               for               her.

Angel               climbed               out               and               Alexander               followed               her               closely.

A               roadie               opened               the               rear               doors               and               as               Angel               passed               him,               she               said,               "This               is               Alexander.

He               is               with               me               today               and               tonight.

Get               him               an               all               access               pass.


               Alexander               made               his               way               down               to               the               stadium               field               and               then               made               his               way               to               the               front               of               the               stage.

The               stadium               and               stage               were               fully               lit               with               roadies               and               employees               moving               about.

His               blue               roses               in               a               vase               that               were               delivered               earlier               were               in               front               of               Angel's               microphone               stand.

The               sound               check               was               behind               schedule.

The               drummer               was               late.

When               he               finally               appeared,               Angel               greeted               him.

"Your               hair               is               beautiful               tonight".

It               was               subtle               jab:               they               often               ran               late               as               their               drummer               worked               on               his               hair.

               As               the               sound               check               started,               Alexander               spotted               a               group               of               militia               come               in               with               the               New               World               Order               tricolor               bunting               and               while               the               band               tuned               up               and               checked               sound               levels,               the               militia               started               draping               the               proscenium               with               bunting.

Alexander               drifted               into               an               uneasy               contemplation.

He               understood               why               they               would               put               up               the               government's               tricolor               on               the               same               day               as               the               bombings,               but               he               wondered               how               the               audience               would               respond.

He               could               here               Angel               sing               familiar               tunes               but               he               could               not               stop               watching               the               stage               transform               with               the               government               colors.

Alternating               Texas               state               flags               and               tricolor               flags               were               raised               on               the               flagpoles.

               Angel               and               the               band               were               oblivious               to               the               decoration               of               the               stage               as               they               focused               their               attention               on               their               equipment               and               occasional               exchanges               between               band               members               and               technicians               in               the               sound               booth.

When               each               instrument               was               tuned               and               its               sound               checked               and               when               Angel               had               checked               her               own               wireless               microphone               sound               level,               the               group               performed               only               a               single               song               from               the               new               album               completely.

The               rest               were               just               a               few               stanzas               from               each               song               on               the               play               list.

               After               it               was               finished,               Angel               came               down               to               the               stadium               field               and               sat               down               next               to               Alex               while               the               roadies               finished               with               the               stage               settings.

"How               did               it               sound?"               At               first,               Alexander               said               nothing.

Angel               brought               him               out               of               his               distraction.


How               did               it               sound?"               
               Alexander               turned.

"It               sounded               great.

But               I               have               never               heard               you               perform               in               an               outdoor               stadium               without               the               noise               of               the               crowd."               
               "Yes,               but               as               long               as               we               can               hear               ourselves               and               everything               is               balanced,               it               should               sound               as               good               to               the               audience.

You               do               get               more               echoes               in               an               empty               stadium.

But               they               increase               the               amplifiers'               volume               during               a               concert."               She               paused.

"You               seem               distracted".

               "Did               you               notice               what               they               were               doing               while               you               were               playing?"               
               "No,               who               did               what?"               She               looked               at               the               stage               and               saw               the               bunting               now               on               the               proscenium.

"That               is               not               good.

I               know               that               they               think               it               is               patriotic               to               put               up               the               flag               today,               but               I               do               not               think               that               they               have               considered               our               audience".

               "Exactly",               Alexander               spoke               with               earnest               "how               is               the               audience               going               to               respond?"               
               Snake               called               from               the               stage               to               Angel.

"I'll               be               right               back".

               Angel               approached               the               stage               and               Snake               squatted               down               to               lean               closer               to               her.

He               spoke               with               obvious               agitation               and               she               replied               and               then               raised               both               her               arms               as               in               surrender.

               She               came               back               to               Alexander               and               sat               down               quickly.

"The               militia               has               informed               us               that               the               government               has               requested               that               they               play               'One               World'               before               we               come               on.

I               don't               think               that               the               audience               is               going               to               like               that"               
               One               World               was               the               government's               anthem.

"Can               they               do               that?"               
               "The               last               artist               who               refused               to               allow               the               anthem               to               be               played               before               her               concert               never               got               another               concert               on               this               continent".

Angel               leaned               back               and               closed               her               eyes.

"I               have               a               bad               feeling               about               this.

What               time               is               it?"               
               "It               is               a               little               after               five".

               "Doors               open               at               seven               and               we               do               not               go               on               until               eight.

So,               we               have               only               about               two               and               a               half               hours.

We               should               be               able               to               do               this."               
               "Cheryl!"               Angel               called               in               the               direction               of               the               stage.

"I               do               not               know               about               you               but               Alex               and               I               have               not               eaten               since               this               morning.

Could               we               get               some               pizzas               or               something               delivered               for               everyone?"               
               "Not               a               problem!

They               say               that               can               get               it               here               in               about               thirty               minutes.

               "Alex,               I               need               to               get               dressed               and               do               my               hair               and               make               up.

You               can               stay               down               here               or               come               up               on               stage               and               hang               out               with               the               guys."               
               Together               Angel               and               Alexander               made               their               way               backstage.

Angel               went               into               a               make               shift               dressing               room               off               stage               and               as               she               passed               she               said,               "Guys,               this               is               Alex.

He               will               be               with               us               tonight".

               Alexander               had               met               all               of               the               band               members               in               the               past               at               least               once,               but               unlike               Angel,               they               remembered               him               vaguely.

Alex               exchanged               greeting               with               everyone.

Oblivious               to               Alexander,               they               just               sat               about,               talking               and               smoking               cigarettes               and               drinking               cider               while               they               waited               for               the               pizza               delivery.

Alexander               felt               awkward.

Over               the               years,               the               only               stable               members               of               the               band               had               been               Angel               and               Snake.

Other               musicians               had               come               and               gone               with               each               album               and               each               tour.

Snake               was               a               very               quiet               man               of               few               words               and               as               Alexander               had               come               with               Angel,               he               could               sense               a               male               rivalry               between               them.

Snake               may               have               moved               on,               but               he               still               looked               at               Angel's               male               companion               for               the               night               like               a               disapproving               ex-husband.

Angel               was               fifteen               years               older               than               Alexander               and               Snake               was               a               little               older               than               she               was.

Therefore,               Snake               was               almost               old               enough               to               have               been               Alexander's               father.

               Cheryl               brought               the               pizzas               back               stage               and               everyone               converged               on               the               stack               of               boxes.

Cheryl               turned               to               Alexander               with               the               vegetarian               pizza               and               said,               "I               assume               that               this               was               for               you".

               Alexander               thanked               her               and               she               gathered               up               a               box               and               took               it               to               the               dressing               room               for               Angel               and               herself.

The               group               ate               quickly               and               the               roadies               finished               off               most               of               the               pizzas.

Alexander               sat               by               himself               with               his               own               box               and               ate               the               whole               pizza.

It               was               lunch               and               dinner               for               him.

               When               he               finished,               Alexander               explored               the               stadium               and               made               his               way               to               the               front               where               he               could               see               out               the               front               gates               to               the               front               of               the               stadium.

Surrounding               the               concert               hall               there               were               militia               lined               up               on               the               street               and               extra               police               were               at               the               entrance               where               people               had               already               gathered               to               get               in               when               the               gates               opened.

               Alexander               returned               to               the               stage               and               waited               with               the               band               and               roadies.

Before               the               gates               were               to               open,               Cheryl               opened               the               dressing               room               door               and               called               for               Alexander.

He               quickly               made               his               way               across               the               stage,               dodging               equipment               and               entered               the               dressing               room's               door.

               Angel               sat               at               her               dressing               table               mirror               applying               the               final               additions               to               her               makeup.

She               wore               a               layered               costume               with               a               white               jacket               and               a               white               tulle               skirt               over               a               dark               body               suit.

She               smiled               as               she               saw               Alexander               in               her               mirror.

Alexander               came               and               stood               beside               her.

               "You               look               beautiful",               Alexander               said               with               admiration.

               "Thank               you!"               Angel               turned               and               stood               to               face               him.


Would               you               take               a               picture               of               Alex               and               me               together               before               they               open               the               doors?"               Angel               took               Alexander               out               on               stage               and               they               stood               together               center               stage.

               Cheryl               was               getting               ready               when               Angel               stopped               her.

"I               just               one               thing               before               you               take               the               picture!"               Angel               quickly               went               to               where               Alexander's               flowers               were               placed               and               pulled               them               out               of               the               vase.

She               returned               and               held               her               flowers               as               she               posed               with               Alexander.

               "Are               you               ready?"               Cheryl               asked               impatiently.

               "Yes!"               Angel               confirmed               and               Alexander               tried               to               bend               at               the               knees               so               that               their               heads               would               be               side               by               side               in               the               shot.

               "OK,               I               got               it!

Now               could               you               put               the               flowers               back               and               get               Alexander               off               stage?"               
               As               Angel               returned               her               roses               to               their               vase,               she               spoke               to               Alexander.

"Now,               there               is               going               to               be               a               mixed               crowd               and               some               of               them               might               be               a               little               worked               up               over               today.

So,               I               want               you               to               be               careful               and               try               to               find               some               friendly               fans               you               can               blend               in               with,               Have               a               good               time               and               enjoy               the               show.

I               think               after               they               play               the               anthem               that               things               will               be               pretty               normal.

You               have               your               all               access               pass               so               the               employees               and               management               will               probably               be               very               accommodating.

Just               relax               and               enjoy               the               concert.

When               it               is               over,               we               will               probably               head               out               as               soon               as               we               can."               She               reached               up               to               kiss               him               on               the               cheek.

"Just               be               careful!

I               will               see               you               later               baby."               She               gave               him               a               broad               smile               and               held               his               hands               in               hers.

Alexander               smiled               and               left               to               get               a               spot               on               the               first               row               of               seats               on               the               stadium               field               before               the               seats               filled.
               The               concert               was               about               to               start               when               the               anthem               "One               World"               played               over               the               loud               speakers.

The               audience               booed               and               hissed               but               was               content               to               drown               out               the               anthem.

Alexander               waited               at               the               proscenium               but               felt               uneasy               among               the               crowd.

Not               comfortable               among               the               disapproving               crowd               and               wanting               to               calm               down               he               went               to               the               side               of               the               stadium               where               concession               stands               had               opened               to               get               a               drink.

               He               approached               the               man               behind               the               counter               and               the               man               saw               Alexander's               all               access               pass               and               lipstick               mark               on               his               cheek.

"Hey               man!

Is               that               whose               lipstick               I               think               it               is?"               
               Alexander               looked               in               the               mirror               behind               the               counter               and               saw               the               imprint               of               Angel's               kiss.

He               blushed               and               smiled.

               "Awesome!"               the               man               said               and               leaned               into               Alexander               a               little               closer.

The               anthem               had               stopped               playing               and               the               crowd               was               just               beginning               to               quiet               down.

"Can               I               get               you               something               stronger               than               water?"               
               Alexander               was               taken               aback.

He               had               not               expected               to               be               offered               an               alcoholic               beverage.

"Sure,               can               I               get               a               beer?"               
               "No               problem"               the               man               got               an               opaque               plastic               cup               and               slid               his               cooler               lid               over               to               the               other               side               and               discreetly               poured               beer               into               the               cup               from               a               tap.

"I               just               need               your               ID               first".

               Instinctively,               Alexander               put               his               thumb               on               the               register's               pad.

               Suddenly,               the               man's               expression               turned               to               anger.

He               looked               over               to               a               manager               nearby               and               called               out               "Government!"               
               Alexander               suddenly               realized               why               Angel               had               told               him               to               be               careful.

               The               manager               came               over               and               said               to               Alexander               "I               can               see               that               you               are               with               the               band               but               we               can               not               serve               you!"               
               The               mere               word               'government'               had               attracted               the               attention               of               a               group               of               rowdy               patrons               wearing               blue               shirts               with               red               stars.

Alexander               was               quickly               surrounded.

Someone               screamed               out               "Fascist!"               and               in               an               instant               Alexander               saw               the               glint               of               a               gun               barrel               and               three               shots               rang               out.

The               bullets               hit               Alexander               in               the               chest               like               a               sledgehammer               and               he               hit               the               ground.

               Before               he               lost               consciousness,               he               heard               screams               and               the               sound               of               running               feet.

               He               came               around               briefly               when               the               sound               of               police               horns               blared               and               all               the               lights               in               the               stadium               came               on.

He               was               vaguely               aware               of               the               sight               of               armed               militia               surrounding               him               and               the               increasing               sound               of               sirens               outside.

               However,               he               was               not               alone               on               the               ground.

He               could               see               a               figure               in               white               tulle               crouching               beside               him,               but               blood               in               his               eyes               kept               him               from               focusing.

               "Get               the               paramedics               in               here!"               someone               called               out               on               a               bullhorn.


Alex!"               he               could               hear               Angel's               voice.

He               managed               to               lift               the               arm               that               was               not               pinned               beneath               him               where               he               lay               and               he               felt               her               hand               grasping               his.

"Where               are               the               paramedics?"               He               could               here               the               pandemonium               around               him.

However,               he               heard               Angel's               voice               distinctly.


Alex!"               He               squeezed               harder               to               let               her               know               that               he               could               hear               her.

"Hold               on               baby!

Where               are               the               paramedics?"               
               The               militia               parted               as               paramedics               moved               to               Alexander               on               the               ground.

He               felt               pressure               on               his               chest               and               multiple               hands               turning               him               over               and               lifting               him.

               A               masculine               voice               said,               "Miss,               we               need               to               take               him               out               to               the               ambulance"               
               Alexander               heard               Angel               plead,               "I'm               going               with               him!"               
               The               same               masculine               voice               said,               "We               have               him               now.

We               need               to               get               him               to               the               hospital."               
               "He               is               the               designated               father               of               my               children!"               Alexander               heard.

Even               though               he               was               now               being               carried               on               a               gurney,               he               could               still               feel               Angel's               grasp               on               his               hand.

               He               was               vaguely               aware               of               what               was               going               on               around               him.

He               could               see               the               interior               of               the               ambulance               through               a               red               liquid               haze               and               the               paramedics               but               he               could               also               still               see               a               figure               in               white               that               he               heard               crying               in               the               ambulance               as               the               doors               closed               and               it               sped               off,               
               The               drive               was               out               of               time.

Alexander               did               not               know               if               he               was               experiencing               seconds               or               minutes.

He               heard               the               constant               voices               of               paramedics               and               saw               them               moving               around               him.

He               heard               the               constant               blare               of               the               siren.

However,               he               could               also               hear               the               voice               most               distinctive               to               him               in               the               world:               Angel.

He               had               never               before               heard               her               cry.

Yet,               occasionally               he               heard               his               name.

               The               ambulance               stopped               and               the               doors               opened               in               a               harsh               artificial               light               in               the               darkness               outside               Baylor's               Emergency               Room.

The               figure               in               white               got               out               and               was               by               his               side               as               men               and               women               in               hospital               scrubs               pulled               the               gurney               out               into               the               night.

In               addition,               he               could               feel               Angel's               hand               on               his               body               and               could               hear               that               voice               that               he               always               was               able               to               distinguish               from               others               in               a               din               of               sounds.

               The               gurney               rolled               on               until               he               could               perceive               a               ceiling               and               bright               lights               and               a               strong               masculine               voice               saying,               "You               have               to               let               go               Miss!

We're               taking               him               into               surgery."               He               turned               his               head.

His               eyes               were               clearer               now               and               he               could               see               Angel               in               the               white               tulle,               but               the               red               was               no               longer               in               his               eyes               but               stained               her               dress.

She               looked               remarkably               similar               to               the               statue               of               Cassandra               crying               in               the               park.

Alexander               felt               Angel's               hand               pulling               away               from               him.

However,               he               could               still               hear               that               voice               and               it               called               his               name               and               slowly               faded               as               the               gurney               moved               swiftly               forward.

               He               could               feel               the               gurney               under               him               and               now               the               bright               lights               of               the               operating               room.

Again,               he               felt               multiple               hands               under               him               and               the               sensation               of               being               lifted               and               set               down               again               on               a               cold,               metallic               table.

People               moved               rapidly               around               him               in               the               glare               of               bright               lights.

He               felt               a               plastic               mask               cover               his               mouth               and               nose.

He               felt               cold,               odd               scented               gases               enter               the               mask               and               his               nose               and               lungs.

Then               the               lights               and               voices               of               people               around               him               began               to               fade               and               darkness               and               silence               over               took               him.
               This               story               is               continued               at                    
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Image of angel sleeve tattoo

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