Unknown Meet the Down's Syndrome man that became an Elite Athlete A big respect to this guy, his name is Jonathan and he is a 31 year old man whose job is to push grocery carts to the grocery shop every day... 5

Meet the Down's Syndrome man that became an Elite Athlete

A big respect to this guy, his name is Jonathan and he is a 31 year old man whose job is to push grocery carts to the grocery shop every day, while doing his job he also hands out stickers to kids he sees on the parking lot. But what is really amazing about this guy is that he has Down’s syndrome, but still manages to compete in power lifting. Not only is he a power lifter but also an elite athlete. He bench presses over 400lb which is really amazing for anyone to do, but this guy is a really nice guy who was raised by wonderful parents. His parents raised him in a way that there are no excuses in life and with no excuses they really meant none. Its people like Jonathan that really motivates me in life, he is showing us that we can really accomplish everything we want to as long as we want to.    

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