Unknown Is Hip Hop Dead? Rappers today claim that their lyrics are coming from their hearts that their words mean something and that is true with some rappers, but ... 5

Is Hip Hop Dead?

Rappers today claim that their lyrics are coming from their hearts that their words mean something and that is true with some rappers, but unfortunately that is only true about 10% of the rappers we see today on TV. Most rappers rather show of their cars, money, liquor and jewelry than showing the true meaning of hip hop.  It seems today that we only listen to some songs because of their beats, because to be honest if you listen to the lyrics you will realize that some of these songs do neither make any sense nor even rhyme. These rappers are big because they are played most on TV and Radio so people do believe that these guys most be the best.

I believe  rappers like poets, they wright about feelings, sorrow, happiness and everyday issues in society to either make a change or just to show the world what they feel.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some rappers that can really be amazing but it seems that they do not get the same attention as these “wannabe” rappers on MTV. It is a shame that these rappers are destroying the image of hip hop. 

One rapper I believe is going to be huge rapper is this rapper called “Froggy Fresh”. Froggy Fresh started his rap career as Tyler Cassidy and he made some songs that were amazing I mean the lyrics are so deep and well written, but unfortunately he was an amateur rapper and also “nothing” special so people did not pay attention to him(The Pain). So what he did was changing his rap name to Crispy Kreme and made songs that were ridiculous and you can’t hold yourself from laughing (Baddest of them all). When he started to make funny rap songs people started to notice him and follow him as a joke. Today when he have many people’s attention he is making the real songs again and I can only speak for myself but this guy is doing the right thing and he got my attention,  I will support him! ( Same Old Kid)

Just take a min and listen to his songs, I get really hyped when I listen to the lyrics.

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