Unknown Most important thing to bring to the gym It’s around that time of the year when people realized that they have been stocking up themselves during the winter and now hitting the gym... 5

Most important thing to bring to the gym

It’s around that time of the year when people realized that they have been stocking up themselves during the winter and now hitting the gym with hopes of getting ripped before the summer. 

To get ripped in 3 months it’s not as simple as many people might believe but it’s not impossible. It requires two things to get there the first thing that is  important is dedication. Without dedication you will give up when things starts to get really tough, remember this, if it was easy then everyone would do it!
Dedication is the most important thing to succeed but sometimes it feels that we leave small things out and focus only on big things such as working out every day, lifting heavy weights and etc… but something people don’t think about  is  how do you remember exactly how many sets or reps or weights you did during your last workout? That’s why your number one thing in the gym should be a note pad where you write down everything you do in the gym and also what you eat during the day so you can keep track and make sure you are progressing. 

You might think that this is not important and I thought that too until I really started to use it and I realized that every week I lifted more and my progress is amazing. 

 Honestly, I don't even know how I can read what I write but at the time in the gym my hands are always shaking from the pump.


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