Unknown NBA Finals The NBA playoffs are still going on and the remaining teams are as follows: In the west, The San Antonio Spurs are facing off against the M... 5

NBA Finals

The NBA playoffs are still going on and the remaining teams are as follows:

In the west, The San Antonio Spurs are facing off against the Memphis Grizzlies, while in the east Miami is up against the Indiana Pacers (the team that beat the New York Knicks in the semifinal) 

I was thinking a few days ago about how crazy it would be to see Indiana against Memphis in the finals. Not that they do not deserve it but I bet no one would imagine that happening. The favorites right now are the Heat and the Spurs but in the playoffs you never know what could happen.
The Heat won a thriller game against the Pacers, leaving the Heat in a 1-0 position in this playoff.  The Spurs also won their game against the Grizzlies; the Spurs are up with 2-0 right now.  

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