This is New York City; you can find hot chocolate at every corner. Everything from the deli on the corner of your block, to the gourmet chocolate spots on fifth av. For me drinking hot chocolate is more than the drink itself. It's all about the environment, taste and last but not least price
. My friend Raquel and I decided to try out the famous restaurant/café Max Brenner also known as "chocolate by the bald man" on Union square. Max Brenner looks cozy from the outside and it looks expensive. The inside of Max Brenner is in fact really cozy, it looks like a scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with all the pipes filled with chocolate. They have a very friendly staff that offers samples from their chocolate store which is separated from the restaurant and Café area.
Coming from Europe where all the best chocolate is made, I have to say that Max Brenner’s chocolate had me thinking twice about that. The chocolate from the store is amazing; give it a try even if it is expensive.
At the table we received a menu of the different hot chocolates they had to offer, which was a little fancy to see. They had different types of hot chocolate, hot chocolate that I had never heard about before.
So I did what any curious person would do and that was to order the strangest thing on the menu which in my case was Mexican spicy hot chocolate.
It's hot chocolate with chili and cinnamon. Nothing beats cinnamon during winter, it tastes like Christmas.
I give the environment of Max Brenner 5 out of 5 stars. It could not be better for a hot chocolate.
The taste of Mexican Spicy hot chocolate gets 5 out 5 stars. It’s consistency of melt chocolate mixed with milk was perfect.
The price of Max Brenner Mexican Spicy hot chocolate gets 5 out of 5. This is not Dunking donuts where you buy a $3 hot chocolate. The price of the hot chocolate was $5.95 which to me is definitely worth it since the quality of the hot chocolate is great.